Neuro, how you met

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"What do you have there, Ash" you asked, walking up behind your brother as he hands you an envelop. You both opened them at the same time, reading out loud about how you both were invited to The Battle of the Elements.

"Battle of the Elements huh? So there is more Elemental Masters out there, y/n, lets go!" He was excited as he crumbled up the paper due to his excitement. But you just stared at the paper with mixed feelings.

"That would be cool to see other Elemental Masters but I don't know about this it feels..... uneasy" you admitted as you re-read the paper but there was no hints that it wasn't weird until the paper poofed out of both your hands. Blinking twice you looked at your twin as he stares at you with a blank face, matching yours.

"..........You like magic-"

"Ok we're going" you interrupted Ash before he could say anymore as you went to pack some clothes, since we couldn't bring any weapons.

That was when you and your twin brother instantly regretted even going. You watched as your brother was sent falling down a hidden trap door. Gripping your seat under you, you watched as the Fire Ninja smiled and cheered victorious. Biting your tongue to keep your mouth shut you waited till the first round was over.

The second round started with you against Neuro, the Elemental Master of the Mind. You and Neuro stared at each other before looking at the blade that one is suppose to get.

"May the best one win" his voice was low, smooth, and sounded like he had an itch in his throat. He bowed his head in respect as you mimicked him in return.

"The best of luck to you" you smiled to yourself as Chen yelled for the match to begin. You slowly stalked to Neuro as he did the same. He put his left hand to his head, his black and grey eyes staring into your e/c eyes. He was trying to see what your plan was, but to be completely honest with yourself, you didn't have one yet. Your landscape had some rocks and a giant tree with the blade inside.

An idea came in mind and you quickly thought of other plans just to confuse him slightly. It seemed to work as you dashed to him planning on hitting him. He ducked out of your tackle causing you to roll to a giant rock that was behind him. Smiling to yourself you touched the bolder then quickly grabbed a small rock. Throwing it to his head, you didn't really know where you were going with this but hoped it worked. He caught the rock in his left hand with a smirk. You mimicked his smirk as you ducked forward out of the way of the boulder. He seemed so confused as he watched you then noticed the boulder making a beeline for him. He jumped out of the way, not realizing that the boulder was gonna follow him till he dropped the rock he has.

While he was distracted you ran to the tree, jumping onto the branches as you touched each of them, fusing them together so Neuro couldn't get through. Right as you were about to reach for the blade something told you to stop, that it was a fake. You stopped in your tracks while watching the blade shine in front of you.


You looked down to see your shield of branches were being destroyed by the giant boulder smashing through them.

Using my own abilities against Neuro you admitted as you jumped backwards, away from the blade. Why? You actually didn't know why, your body just moved on it's own. You looked down the tree to see Neuro, breathing heavily. He pushed his black and white hair upwards out of his face with a shit eating grin, that's when it hit you. He was sending his thoughts into your head.

Extremely clever I'll give it to you you gave him an acknowledging nod as you clap for him in your head. While he was climbing the tree up to you, you had reached for a branch, connecting it to its leaves. Jumping back to the blade, you were face to face with him again. Raising your branch, now sword shaped, up to your level. He examined it in your hands while you leaped at him, swinging your sword at his chest. You managed to corner him at the edge of the tree. You tossed your tree sword straight at his chest while dashing to the blade. Picking the blade up with a gleeful smile. Planning on jumping out of the tree, there was a foot that kicked the back of your knee, causing you to fall forward. Quickly grabbing onto a branch before you hit the ground would be the one thing that saved you. Though in order to fully hold onto that branch you had to drop the blade, or rather it was forced out of your grip when you hit the branch. You looked around the tree and the ground just in time to see Neuro holding the blade up in victory. He showed it to Chen while you managed to get out of the tree with scratches and bruises. Sighing through your nose you bowed your head in defeat as you felt the ground beneath you give out, literally.

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