Zane, how you met

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"Father, if you don't mind me asking, why am I here? You normally don't like me being in the building since the whole; you know, overlord?" You asked with a smile on your face and arms crossed over your chest as you watch your father run- sorry I mean slide- or drive? Doesn't matter he was all over his office, in every corner before even speaking to you.

"Yes well since he is no longer in the system and it has been calm for a bit I would love to have my child here by my side; OH I am creating these rides for the Ninja's; which brings me to the next thing, I wanted to have a parent and kid building day" he spoke rapidly while shooting across his own office before spinning around in his wheelchair to look at you with a happy side ways smile on his face. His eyes shining bright with excitement, how can you pass that up. He's so excited to finally spend time with his kid and didn't hesitate to invite you once the coast was clear. You chuckled a bit before uncrossing your arms, walked up to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"A building day with one of my dads? Hm that sounds great, I can use a break from my studies" his face looked like a child watching fireworks explode into different colors in the sky. You were just happy to see him happy again, since you moved away to (n/c), he always calls you. It's sweet of him and your dad to FaceTime you when you're bored.

As time went on you and your father finished building an amazing jet if you do say so yourself; you were the one adding majority of it's parts; so you felt accomplished. You stepped back to look at you twos work and sighed through your nose in glee. Not that this was your first project, no in fact you got into (n/c) and was top of your classes thanks to your father teaching you at a young age. Over there they have you build little things and stuff, but building something big was always where your heart was at. You could hear your father muttering under his breath as he was looking down to a blueprint on his table. It was of a Motorcycle with loads of weapons along with minor details that were written down on the side.

"What's wrong, father?" You asked, staring at the blue print, thinking he didn't like something on there. But you were wrong he had forgotten the Ninja were coming to visit him. He had just gotten a notification telling him not to forget and hide the rides.

"I might have forgotten the Ninja were coming this way so let's quickly hide these, shall we?" He nodded his head towards the rides and you, of course, agreed. Pushing them to the corner of his office and throw a tarp over it.

"Are all of them coming in, father?" You asked out loud not hearing the elevator door open due to you fixing the tarp a little bit, which drowned out the elevator noise. When he didn't answer you, you turned around to see all six Elemental Masters in the office. Giving you a small wave while you retreated to your father's side.

"My apologies, I didn't hear you guys come in. I'm (y/n) Borg, it's nice to meet you all" you introduced yourself with a small bow of your head while they did the same.

"I didn't know Dr. Borg had any children, it's nice to meet you (y/n)" Lloyd, who you assumed was the group leader, was the first to greet you.

"He is a man of privacy, so I don't blame him, especially telling others about his family" you smiled, patting your father's shoulder which caused him to give an awkward smile.

"So, what brought you here to my office, Ninja" you left your father to talk to the Ninjas while you were just toning them out. That was until the white ninja, or rather the titanium nindroid, caught your eyes. It was magnificent, a nindroid having human emotions and learning to live on its own. While you were lost in thought the titanium nindroid caught your eyes on him. This caused you to look away rather quickly. This caught his interest, why was a human eyeing him up and down? He decided to leave the group when they were asking Dr. Borg questions about weapons. You looked up from the floor when you heard footsteps to see the titanium nindroid I'm front of you, his head tilted a bit.

"You're (y/n) Borg, future heir to Borg industries, correct?" He asked, his voice obviously sounding robotic, but his voice showed to hesitation or pause.

"Yes, I am, and you're Zane, the human nindroid" you confirmed with a nod before addressing him with his own title. He smiled slightly at that title before opening his mouth.

"You look like you wanted to ask something, yet you did not join the conversation. Did you wish to speak to your father?" He asked completely oblivious to the fact that you were wondering about him.

"I do have something on my mind but it's not something my father can answer, in fact I want to ask you questions, if that is alright?" You asked hoping he would say yes. This seemed to have caught him slightly off guard since his stance shifted a bit.

"Questions for me? I would be honored to answer them" he gave a firm nod before listening to your voice when you speak.

"How does it feel to have human emotions? You can turn them off to do work without them in the way, yet you have them, why? Why risk yourself to human emotions?" You asked multiple questions in one go but kept it on one topic in order for him to not avoid anything. It took him a moment before opening his mouth but hesitated.

"Emotions are valid no matter which ones, it's what makes everyone human. I think it's a wonderful thing to have, without it I wouldn't have gotten along with my brothers and sister" he answered, a small, genuine, smile spread across his face before he looks back to the others. He then looked back to you; you watched his every move. He genuinely meant what he said, human emotions are worth having.

"How were you able to program emotions into your system? Or was it more like magic?" You asked your second question. You wanted to know everything about him but at the same time only one main question was in your head. How did he become who he is now? Zane pressed his hand to his chest and looked down before holding you stare.

"I am not sure, when living with my family I learned to cherish those moments. Slowly I felt happy; learned what emotions were before having my emotion switch to be removed". He answered, his brows arching over his eyes in confidence. Knowing his choice was the right one no matter what anyone says. You smiled at this.

"You are an amazing person, Zane" you pat his shoulder, making sure you said person and not a robot. He was a person... you realized that now. He seemed happy with your compliment.

"And you are an interesting person as well, (y/n)" he shot back to you before both you and him went back to the group. You stood on your fathers right while Zane stood on the other side of him, putting him in the middle. You wondered if recreating a nindroid like Zane would be possible, maybe not with complete human emotions but with some of them. In order to do this, you would need to see how Zane works on the inside, but you didn't know him that well so asking that of him is rude.


The Ninja left the office, leaving you and your father to continue working on the rides. Later you had to leave back to your dorm. Just two more weeks and you would be back in Ninjago City for summer break.



Word count: 1374

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