Lloyd, how you met

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You were walking around Stiix, keeping a lookout for anything suspicious, what kind of suspicious? Your Master didn't tell you, all he said was to report back to him if anyone starts trouble.

How can I even report back to him when he's not even here or close by you sighed as you stood at the edge of the city built on water. You looked around the village and sighed, you've been here for a long time now. The only thing that was slightly interesting was your in counter with a couple of Ninjas in Ronan's shop. Maybe even when your Master told you his plan on getting the Sword of Sanctuary back from those Ninja. You watched out to the only entrance to Stiix when you spotted Ronan with the Sword of Sanctuary on his back. Smiling to yourself underneath your mask, you jumped from rooftops to rooftops till you jumped down from a building in time to see Morro jump down from another building in front of you as he walked into Ronan's shop. You rushed to the shop and opened the door to see Morro sitting down on a throne makeshift, gesturing you to stand by his side.

"Has everything been going according to plan, y/n?" He asked you and you gave a firm nod with a devilish smile.

"Yes Master, he's walking into the village as we speak" you grinned as you stood on his right while he chuckled to himself, watching the door. Soon Ronan came walking in with his back toward everyone. He gave Morro the sword but Morro tried to change up the deal after getting it. When Ronan didn't agree he got cornered by the other ghosts. Morro got out of the Green Ninja's body with a smile.

"Put him in a cage, y/n, make sure he can't leave not that he'll even be able to" Morro laughed as the Green Ninja shriveled up into a ball.

Not even I would do that you thought to yourself as you crossed your arms over your stomach at the sight of him on the floor. Soul Archer put a cage on the roof, that hanged over the hole in the ceiling so you can keep an eye on him from inside. You picked him up by wrapping his arm over your neck and shoulder as you slowly pick both his and your weight with your Elemental Power. You both were on the roof and you tried to not hurt him more as you placed his weak body inside and locked it.

"I'll get you some water and food, he probably never gave you anything while possessing you huh?" You asked to his weak figure knowing your not going to get an answer. You looked through the hole in the ceiling to see Ronan getting possessed by Morro, taking this shot you broke into a close home and grabbed a bottle of water along with whatever snacks they had. Time crunch you know, no one can get a five star meal in a cage. Flying back to the Green Ninja's cage you placed the water and snacks where Morro wouldn't be able to see it. He was still possessing Ronan as he gave the Ninja's fake News. You were about to jump back down when you heard the Green Ninja groan. You turned around to see his eyes slowly blink open, you went around the hole and sat on the roof next to his cage out of site from down below.

"I left food and water in there, you should get some rest and eat up, you need your strength" you whispered softly to his distorted face as he tries to make out what he was looking, whether you were a ghost, possessed, or was trying to help him.

"You're...... helping..him..?" He asked trying to make it sound more like a fact then a question. You just simply gave a nod that was hesitant.

"Why...?" He breathes out as he leans against the bars of the cage.

"....I...I want the curse lifted off my soul.....some of us were never given a choice....." You sighed looking anywhere but the Green Ninja. You glanced down to Ronan who was whispering to the camera.

"Due to me being born with an Air Elemental it seemed I was put on a 'to be a danger' list hah" you chuckled it off as you leaned back on your hands and look up to the sky.

"But you...have a choice...to correct it.." he groaned his answer as he readjusted his seating position. You stared at the stares a bit longer before slowly pulling your gaze away to stare at his green eyes.

"Do I actually? If I'm on there and someone is able to get me off easily then I'll take the chance." You simply said watching his reaction but he was too tired to give you one instead he looked down to Morro who exited Ronan's body.

"You're not the Green Ninja, the green Ninja would never have to lie" He hissed as he clings onto the bars, Morro only laughed and told him the same thing you did, to save his energy. Finally the Green Ninja laid back, picking at the snacks you gave him.

"...... please Green Ninja, you need to eat....I might serve Morro but I'm not like him" you whispered, pleading him to save his energy so he can try to escape. He looked up at you with hurt and worried eyes, but he did what you asked. You smiled and glanced up to the sky.

"I have a choice to correct it hm?" You mumbled to yourself as you laid down on the roof and close your eyes. Thinking what your next move is going to be......that's it...you have to help them. Not Morro but the Ninjas.

Time skip

Morro has opened a portal with the realm crystal and unleashed almost every cursed soul that was in there. You watched as the spirits terrorized the locals of stixx and it didn't sit right with you. You helped the locals as best as you can without the souls thinking you were switching teams. That was until you spotted Lloyd sneaking around with the fire Ninja. Smiling to yourself, you watched as the Lighting Ninja sped through on his new car, basically eating the spirits into his car. You ignored them and decided to follow Lloyd and lucky you did because he was going straight for Morro.

Oh no you decided not to interfere and let them battle it out while helping the Water Ninja. Making sure she stayed out of the the floating debree but also sent air currents to Lloyd's help when he fell. Can't go back now, now that Morro saw you helping him. No matter what you did the preeminent arrived causing everyone to evacuate to a stem boat. You helped the locals that were close to the preeminent's location flee while letting the Ninja's deal with her.

You were on the stem boat, watching the preeminent trenching through the waters while the Ninja were tacking out her supports. Lloyd was nowhere to be seen while the boat floats in hallows trench. That's when a sudden wave crashed into the Preeminent, drowning her along with Morro.

"MORRO" you yelled, jumping into the air, using your Air Elemental power to fly to Morro just in time as Master Wu flew past you on his Elemental dragon. Some of the preeminent's tentacles tried to grab you causing you to delay your arrival to Morro. When You arrived near Wu you saw Morro grab his hand and struggle to be lifted up. You tried to pull him too but he looked down

"You can only save those who want to be saved, good bye Sensei, take care of y/n" he whispered to you both while you held onto his arm, he let go of Wu's hand which forced his arm to slip through your hand. He was forced into the water as you called out to him, knowing he was gone.


You were back on the ship when Lloyd jumped out of the portal and was greeted back by his friends. You watched them celebrate from afar, staying in the back of the boat. After talking to his friends he glanced back to see you looking out to the water, walking towards you.

"Hey...thanks for looking out for me" he nervously scratched his nape with an awkward smile. You looked at him and ruffled his hair,

"Well, Morro was doing things against my morals plus you were right...about choices" you smiled, looking back out to the water. Lloyd groaned as he fixed his hair with a pout plastered on his face.

"Sometimes it's not easy but it has to be done.....where do you plan on going?" He asked hoping to have you join the team but you didn't feel like being anywhere near people at the moment.

"I don't really know, but I do know I don't want to be around for awhile. Maybe let you and the Ninja cool down for a bit" you chuckled knowing that was an awful joke. You glanced to Lloyd to see his face slightly down but he put a smile back onto his face.

"Well when you're ready you can always stop by" he comforted you by patting your back.





Word count: 1574

This was kinda rushed and I really wasn't feeling it as you might can tell. I'll do better for Lloyd's other storylines. Hope you enjoyed it at least.

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