Morro, how you met

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College au

The clock hit 11:00 am and that meant your class is done so you started packing your bag up as the professor says her goodbyes to all her students. You left your general chemistry lecture with a sigh, not a 'i don't understand what's going on', sigh just more of a, 'i just want to sleep' sigh. Your next class was a biology lab that was having a group project. Once you arrived at the biology department you sat at your unassigned assigned seat, waiting for the rest of your classmates. The first person to arrive after you was a guy with black hair and a green streak, green eyes, tanned skin, dressed in a jacket with an ACDC shirt underneath and some black joggers. Since we shouldn't be showing a lot of skin for safety and all that fun stuff. You didn't really know his name since you really didn't bother trying to know everyone.....ok that's a lie you just had bad memory, but you have seen him a lot, it's just social anxiety is no joke. You even helped him when he sprained his ankle due to his friend one time... You watched him sit diagonally to your left and didn't say anything as more people walked in. Your friend, youbie sat down next to you and well you couldn't help but smile and be happy for this lab. She was so nice to you since day one and since you're the introvert, she's your extrovert. You two start talking and giggling while the rest of your small group fills up the chairs around you. Then the class was filled up and the lab began by splitting everyone into groups for the lab. You, youbie, Morro, and Lloyd were group five, assigned whatever experiment you guys wanted. You looked to the guy with green and black hair and realized he was Morro and Lloyd was the blonde hair green eyes next to him. You knew it started with an M but just thought it was like Mort or some shit like that.
Having to rearrange the seatings so it was only you four in one corner, and then started introducing each other properly. You reached your hand out to the two boys.

"Hi my name is y/n and this Youbie, my Major is (n/m)" you smiled as the blonde, Lloyd was the first one to reach out to your hand and shake it. He then shook Youbie's hand as well when she smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you, y/n and Youbie, I'm Lloyd and this is Morro, my Major is pre med and his major-" before Lloyd could finish Morro placed his hand on Lloyd's shoulder and slightly pushes his back into his seat. Lloyd only smiled awkwardly as he scratches his head.

"Let me introduce myself, dork, hi I'm Morro, Major in zoology and Minor in biology" he shaked your hand with a soft smile, the opposite of Lloyd. He then reached to shake Youbie's but his eyes quickly went back to yours as he leans back into his seat. You guys were asking questions about each other, getting to know one another, along with questions about what should the presentation should be about. In the end it was about how an animals environment affects their behavior and mating style. The lab ended and it was time for you to go back to your apartment

Finallyyyyyy oh I miss my bed, my babyyy you sighed as you stretch out your body once you exited the classroom with Youbie by your side.

"Well that was easy" Youbie commented as she stretched her arms and rested her left arm on your shoulder with a grin on her face.

"Now let's spill the real tea; what was up with Morro? He has something for you, boo" she blurted, shaking you a bit with a wide grin spreading across her face. You only rolled your eyes as you laugh at her comment.

"He's in my physics class and is coincidentally in my apartment building, he probably only keeps looking at me because he knows me. I know I would rather talk to someone who I slightly know then to someone I don't" you admitted with a shrug of your shoulders which caused her arm to fall off your shoulder. She just gaped her mouth open as an 'if I believe you' look while she put her hands on her hip with a shake of her head. Before you could try to defend yourself even more, speak of the devil and he'll appear, Morro called out to you. You turned your head around to see a happy Lloyd next to a blank face Morro, you furrowed your brows upwards as to tell him to continue but he glanced down to Youbie.

"Uuww hehee anyways boo thang I got to get to my boyfriend, I'll see you tomorrow Friday" She laughed as she waves bye to you and walked into an elevator, she made a smug face before the doors closed all the way. Sighing you looked at Morro as he blinks a couple of times at the closed elevator door, excepting her to pop back out.

"It was really nice to finally, officially meet you, y/n" Lloyd spoke up as he pats your shoulder, at first you smiled at him but then realized he said finally as in someone told him about you already. He walked out the doors, leaving you with Morro and a couple of questions. He smiled awkward before speaking.

"Since we're both done with classes for the day and live in the same apartment building I wanted to see if you would like someone to walk with" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as he gave a shrug. You stared at him as a smile slowly grew on your face.

"I would love some company, Morro" You answered as you both start walking side by side out the door and through the center of campus asking or rather more like playing 21 questions.


"Ok onto the main question, Morro. How long have you been talking about me to Lloyd?" It seems your question hit it's target cause Morro chocked on his monster energy drink before looking back at you with a flushed face.

""Um well uh you how did you know about that?" He asked instead of answering your question, letting it slide you just shrugged as you both turned the corner that leads to your guys apartment.

"Lloyd might have let it slipped when he said 'nice to finally meet you' and you know I just assumed, seems I'm right" you chuckled as you walk backwards in front of him. He only let out a chuckle and rub his neck

"Ok I might have been talking about you to him since the second semester started" he confessed with a little shrug and a tilt of his head to his right. You'll admit that was cute but you'll never let it show on your face so you just smiled at his answer. He's been talking about you to Lloyd for almost five months since we're almost going into summer with finals approaching.

"Aww so you've been watching me for four months" you joked with a small elbow push to his side as you both turn into the apartment parking lot and reached your guys building.

"That's not exactly what I meant and you know that" he scoffed, covering his face slightly with his hand that occupied his Monster, trying to clean his face apparently. You only laughed at his response while you both walked up the stairs to the third floor before you had to split off. His apartment room was next to the stairs while yours was two doors down.

"I'm only messing with you, Morro, welp I'll see you tomorrow morning" you blurted as you left him at his door before he could question your statement.

"Wait y/n, tomorrow morning?" He questioned, his hand on his door knob while his body and eyes were on your walking figure. You turned around on your heels with your hands on your backpack straps.

"You're gonna walk with me to class tomorrow morning right? I mean we have the same physics class in the same classroom sooo you know." You just shrugged your shoulders as if it doesn't take a genius to understand. You smiled as you reached your door and waved to him as his jaw was basically on the floor. Entering your apartment you could hear a low 'yes!' along with a loud clap. You chuckled to yourself before looking into the kitchen and seeing two of your roommates eating dry cereal on the kitchen counter; they were on the counter too. Only in their bras and boxers.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS" you yelled as they grabbed their cereal, jumped off the counter, and ran to their rooms laughing while you were throwing pillows at them.




Word count: 1483

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I really love Morro so I wanted to put my little head cannons in here. You know sprinkle it in casually. But anyways I'll also do college au's with the other characters too. If you guys want to see anything else plz don't be afraid to ask me. I love writing ideas just no incest plz.

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