Nya, how you met

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Today was kinda busy for you, throwing bottles in the air and pretending they're floating, "double jumping" in the air, basically you were doing tricks and acrobatics on the streets of Ninjago City. Using the stringed lights from the festival as your rope, walking across buildings with them and pretending to fall but magically float back up. People on the streets give big bucks just to see this kind of stuff so might as well make some money off of your power. The people were throwing money in the jar that you leave underneath you when you're up in the air. They started clapping and shouting at first you though they were shouting in excitement but soon realized they were screaming. Seconds later your audience was completely gone. Sitting on the wire, you try looking at what they ran away from, only to spot the Ninja's fighting off some thugs? Robbers? You just knew they were putting up a fight. Deciding to get a bit closer but not too close enough to the point where they can see you. They seemed to be arguing for some reason but that wasn't for you to butt into, instead you just watched the show unfold in front of you. The bad guys actually managed to keep them occupied, a figure hiding around the building the Ninjas back were facing caught your eye. It seemed to be more than one person, grabbing something, you couldn't see from this height. Swiftly and quietly you jumped to the rooftop close by and slid down a latter that was on the side of the building they were hiding.

"Hurry and pick the rest of the bag up, we need to get out of here" one of the robbers whispered harshly to his partner. While they were shoving loose money into a sack.

"Stop rushing me, I get nervous when you yell at me" he whispered back even more harshly before throwing the sack over his shoulders. They both turned towards you and stopped in their track as you just smiled and waved to them. Like you were just enjoying the show, which you were but you can't let them just rob the store, you have morals ok.

"Who is that- DONT WAVE BACK YOU IDIOT" the first guy glanced back to his partner to see them wave back at you. This kinda made you feel bad about what you were gonna do next. While the rude robber was distracted you swiped your hand upwards, causing a strong air current to harshly push them out of the ally and straight into the same street, the Ninja's were taking care of the rest. They had managed to grab five out of eight robbers they were fighting and tied them up when you had knocked the two out of the ally. The Lighting and water Ninja looked at the two new robbers while the others were taking care of the three other robbers.

"Where did they come from" asked the Lighting Ninja as he walked up to the ground ridden robbers.

"I don't know but they have more of the money, grab that one Jay, I'll grab the other one" the Water Ninja commanded the Lighting as she stepped around the groaning robbers. Right as she reached for the sack of money the robber grabbed onto her arm and was about to punch her. On instinct you sent a sharp wind, directed towards his chest, this pushed him back against a building.

Uh oh you thought to yourself. You might have exposed yourself, deciding to turn around and run you could hear a shout along with multiple feets running at you. The Water, Fire, and Ice Ninja were chasing you down this narrow ally way. Quickly you jumped on the sides of the buildings, grabbing onto any piece of bricks that sticked out for you to grab onto. The sight of you quickly jumping caught them slightly off guard but recovered and mimicked your moves. Taking that second break you caught your breathe and kept running on the rooftop, sliding for cover behind the door area that leads up to the rooftop. Trying to quiet your breathing, you heard three pairs of feet hop onto the top.

"Did you see how they threw that guy" the Lighting Ninja said through gasps, his hands on his knees as he takes a breather.

"Ya...it was just like Morro's Elemental" the water Ninja mimicked the lightning in talking betweens her gasps. They stayed in place and kept looking around to other rooftops and even on the ground and alleyways.

"Pixel is picking up body heat behind there" the ice Ninja blurted, causing you to make a dash for it. They shouted for you to stop but you didn't dare. You didn't know what they were going to do to you, you have an Elemental power that's related to the villain that attacked the green Ninja. They would treat you how they treated him and you didn't want that, not now, not ever. You might have already jumped over to three different buildings when the fire Ninja jumped from an ally way in front of you. This caused you to hult, look back and around you to see you were surrounded.

Shit shit shit, why did I have to help her. Come one, you know why, you admire her just admit it. Not now you argued with yourself, trying to find a way out of this predicament.

"We're not here to hurt you.." announced the Earth Ninja, putting his weapon away onto his back.

"We only want to know one thing, we'll be out of your hair that's it ok?" The Green Ninja added in, showing his hands up in the air showing he was of no threat.

"Your Elemental Power...is it.." he continued with his question but didn't finish in time before you gave a nod.

"I am the new Elemental Master of Air, but I am not an heir from Morro or his family......This power was gifted to me....I don't know how" you understood he still had PTSD from the possession that happened to him so you tried to lighten the mood. The Ninja all looked at each other with uncomfortable glances,

My time to leave I guess you sighed through your nose as you threw an air current all around you, enough to cause someone to be pushed back. But since you had a moral of never laying a hand nor using your powers on a lady, you made sure not have a strong air current for the Water Ninja. Instead it was a light breeze that caused her to close her eyes while everyone was pushed back onto their butts. Deciding this was your cue, you booked it off the building, making condensed air steps underneath your feet. You looked up to see the water Ninja fixing to shoot you down with her water but hesitated when she saw you look up at her. Why was she hesitant? It didn't matter at the moment, you just jumped down from your Air pads in mid air and ran down an ally way towards your home.


The water Ninja watched them run off, she was going to throw a condensed water ball but hesitated. They didn't hurt her, they knocked everyone else on their butts but didn't touch her. This caused her to drop her water ball and sighed. The group got back up and started talking about them.

"An Elemental of Air? I didn't think we would see one this soon" Cole glanced back to Lloyd while Kai pats Lloyd's shoulder.

"We should tell Master Wu about them" Nya blurted out while her back was facing the group. They all turned to her with some questions written on their faces.

"You think he would want another Air elemental?" Jay asked not understanding his words but said it either way while he got glances.

"Still they are an Elemental Master that should be known of" Lloyd sighed, watching Nya's back before deciding to leave with the group.



Word count: 1351

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