Tox, How you Met

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N/n = nickname
C/f/n = close friend's name
Xp/n = ex partner's name

Being the new kid at a school can be rough when you didn't want to move. Leaving your friends, your school, and your partner back in your old town.
Walking into the school with you head low, trying not to make eye contact with everyone. You pulled out your phone to see your class schedule, managing to find your first class.

"We do have a new student here, please welcome (y/n)" the teacher called you up to go in front of the class. With a quick sigh through your nose you walked up to the front of the class, standing next to the teacher.

"Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n), I'm from Ninjago city. Hope to get along with everyone" keeping your introduction simple and quick before you went back to your seat. The girl in front of you, who had light brown hair with bright lime green tips, turned around to look at you. Her eyes were a toxic green, so bright and sharp.

"Hey! I'm Tox, it's nice to meet you" she smiled at you, crossing her arms over your desk.

"Tox? That's a creative name" you smiled back to her, mimicking her poster, which caused the space between you two to close up a bit. As time went on you two became best friends while in high school. You noticed that her hair was starting to turn into a toxic green color over time, first the tips of her hair then halfway up. She would say how she's trying out some dyes.
In your senior year of high school she had her hair matching her eyes, bright toxic green. Not only did her hair change but her attitude changed a bit. She was still nice to you but on occasions she would snap at others around you guys.

"Hey Tox, come get a picture with me while we're in our cap and gown" you called for Tox from across the auditorium. She turned her head towards you with a smile, waving off our classmates that were near her. She walked over to you, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to her. You put your phone sideways in front of you.

", cheese" you and Tox called out as you took the picture with a smile.

"Your outfit looks good, (y/n) it really pulls everything together" she looked you up and down, her eyes occasionally catching onto your necklace.

"Thanks I really wanted to look decent for our graduation" you did a slow spin so she could see everything. She smiled while humming her pleasure with your outfit.
While getting ready for your graduation you mainly spent your time being by Tox's side.

You watched Tox walk the stage with a grin plastered on her face, and she watched you walk the stage. Once everyone walked the stage they were able to go to their tables where gifts from classmates were left at. You and Tox were right next to each other so you both decided to chat amongst yourselves. While chatting you both cleaned your table up, putting the gifts into your car. You gave a hug to Tox before waving bye to her, promising to each other to hang out during summer vacation before you both went off to different colleges.

You kept your promise, meeting up with her at your favorite place. Sometimes you would stop by her house and just hang out there. Slowly she stopped texting, calling, and talking to you, she distanced herself from you. Then college started, you sent letters to her since she wasn't answering her phone, but nothing. You decided to let her have her space, not knowing that soon you would graduate from college with your bachelor's degree and no reply.


"Yes father I completely need a baby bottle" you snickered to yourself, watching your father quickly change from nodding his head to a 'are you serious' face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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