Camille, how you met

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Stretching your body so you can try to wake yourself up even more as you sit up in your bed. It was almost time for you to start getting ready to work. Doing all your morning routine, getting dressed, and fixing your hair, you were off to your job. Which is working as a manager at a cute little book store, it had homemade coffee, lattes, and teas too. It was basically the embodiment of book work aesthetic type of vibes.

"Hey April! Hope you had your breakfast and not be coming into work without it" you watched as your, once coworker now her boss, walked in with a smile.

"Yes I have y/n, jeez you worry too much" she chuckled to herself as she shakes her head. She started opening the registers while you were restocking the new incoming books. After awhile people started coming in a long with more of your coworkers. Some helped out at the registers the others were on the floor, helping customers. While you were on the floor restocking books, that weren't where they belonged, a woman around your age tapped your shoulder. You turned your head to see a gorgeous lady with short curly purple hair,  with pale skin. Her eyes were the color of ruby's, shinning in the sun.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to ask if you can point me to the direction of any plant books" She asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a smile.

"Oh yes they're over here, let me show you" you lead her down a couple of aisles till you reached the nature section. She thanked you and you went on your Mary Way.

You continued your work and as time works, you were off. Though it seemed that's how your life was, you didn't really had a partner or much of a socal life. Just made your money, paid your stuff, and paid for things you wanted. Though while at work that same purple hair girl kept coming by. For some reason she always asked you where everything was located at. Either she didn't see the other employees or she just wanted to ask you personally. Either way, it always made your day.

You were doing paperwork after paper when all of a sudden a scream was heard throughout the bookstore. Quickly running out of your office, you try to find the source just to see a red snake warrior with armor, almost covering the fact that it was made of multiple snakes. You just watched in horror as they examined around the shop. The only thing that snapped you out of your trance was shoppers. Turning your head to see your coworkers standing in front of a group of shoppers, shaking. You ran in front of your coworkers, hiding some of them but stood your ground.

"You have no business here, get out" raising your voice to try  sound like you weren't scared, even though you were.

Note to self, keep a weapon in the office you told yourself. You knew how to fight but Snakes?? They're unpredictable. Plus you were out numbered. The warriors just scanned the shop for whatever they wanted. It seemed they found something since one of them started walking towards you. Acting on your instincts when it got close enough you kicked it right in its stomach. Normally someone would be thrown backwards but this warrior just.....melted into little snakes. Disgusted you backed away as you watched them slither back together.

"We got all we need, go back to base" a woman's voice boomed over everything. You watched the snakes eyes glow red and soon started marching off. Though it looked like you were going to have to have someone repair the entrance. It was completely destroyed. You continued to watch where the snakes walked out of, a second later another snake warrior stepped into view. Except this one was a woman with two little snakes on her head and was a darker red color. The shoppers, who sighed in relief when the other warriors left were now tensing up.
She slowly walked in, stepping over the rubble with a smile. Quickly putting your hands up to protect the people behind you was when the warrior started to melt. You watched in horror, thinking it was a trap but realizes it wasn't when you saw purple hair. As the red color melted off of her pale skin, the snakes for hair turned into short curly hair. It was the woman who always asked you for things. The cheers from the shoppers and employees interrupt your trance as they hugged each other. You on the other hand, walked up to the purple haired woman.

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