This band

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The beat of the drum ran through Anya's body sparking her nerves alive. Then the guitarist joined in, weaving in a melody that made her want to fly. She listened to the tune she had written so carefully, patiently waiting for her moment. A few bars later it came so Anya opened her mouth and soared with the stars.

" Anya! There's my little superstar, the way you sang gave me chills," Louis, the club owner, shouted at her excitedly as he rushed over to her backstage.

Anya scoffed, knowing full well what he was doing.
"Louis, do you think by buttering me up you can skip out on our deal?"She  said cocking her eyebrow.

Louis turned a bright red after being called out before he chuckled and replied," No, no of course not my dear, ten percent of tips, just as promised"

"Alright then, I'll be by to pick up our cut tomorrow then"Anya said before making her way through the crowded room to the rest of her band who were not so patiently waiting.

"A! You killed it out there, I'm really feeling these new songs!" Diego, their lead guitarist said as he wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug.

She had known Diego since she was 13 and he was  like a brother to her, annoying at times but always in her corner.

"Yeah the new lyrics are tight, but I want to talk to you about adding a drum solo after the second chorus?" Said Matt, always vying for the spotlight.

Laughing she broke free of Diego's death grip and ruffled Matt's blonde hair, a thing he hates, before saying " Of course, wouldn't want anyone else to have any of the attention, would we?"
Ignoring Matt's put out face she noticed that one member for their band was absent.
"Hey, where's Laurie?"

Matt rolled his eyes before saying with a smirk, "He said that he was grabbing us some drinks but that was like five minutes ago, I bet he is talking to that bartender he was drooling over."

She smirked knowingly, Laurie, their bassist, was a total romantic, always looking for his 'one true love.'
"Let's go and find him, I need to get out of this heat anyway,"Anya said while heading for the door that would lead to the rest of the club. While 'Black Opium' was a good gig and payed well it really did not have the best dressing room, despite it's five stars on trip advisor.

Diego and Matt fell until step beside her and she let her mind wander to what a great night it was. Not only was the crowd amazing but it was like there was an energy in the air, almost electric, she couldn't get enough of it. It had always been her dream to be a famous singer and even though she  was only 16 she felt like that dream was almost within reach. After all there was always agents and music producers at these type of clubs, the band  might get spotted and then all the  years of their hunger and hard work would finally pay off.

As her mind wandered she was pulled out of her day dream by a large arm going around her shoulders and realised that they had found Laurie at the bar.
"Hey guys! Sorry I ran off earlier I just wanted to ummm talk to Andrew here," He said before turning and making lovey eyes at the very attractive bar tender who blushed in response.

" No problem, we needed to get some drinks anyway,"Anya said as she shrugged off his arm and turned her attention to the bartender," Four beers please."

He chuckled before replying, " Haha nice try, there's no way that you two," He pointed to her and Matt," Are 21."

They both groaned before sharing a long suffering look. Even though Diego and Laurie were only a year older than them, Matt and her were plagued by having baby faces, meaning they never got served.

Diego and Laurie snorted at them before turning to receive their beers, obviously pleased that they didn't get caught.

"Fine then, but you should know that these two are only 17,"She said before slapping them both over the heads and running away before they could retaliate.

She heard outraged cries echo behind her as she weaved through the crowds, but she knew they would never catch her, she was fast and short enough that slipping though crowds was easy, unlike their lumbering bodies.

She finally burst through the doors and into the cold night. She stood there for a minute and breathed in the cool air which was relief after the bustling club, full of sweaty bodies.She turned to go back but didn't make it far because as soon as she took a step she walked straight into something and fell straight onto her ass.

I doubt anyone is reading this the characters! Hopefully you like thissssss.

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