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       Aiorthey                                  We all stared at our wide-eyes sister in silent apprehension, waiting for her to say something in response to the bomb we had dropped on her.
It must be shocking to be alone for most of your life only to find out that you had a family the entire time.

As Aiorthey looked over her bedraggled clothes and gaunt face he couldn't help it when his hands screwed up into fists, his nails cutting into his skin. How could she have been living like this for all those year? He could see in her light blue eyes that she had seen things that no 16 year old girl should have seen.

"So," Gideon said, effectively drawing Aiorthey out of his thoughts, "Do you have any questions?"

That was when Anya's face started screwing up and tears gathered in her eyes. Aiorthey looked desperately at his brothers, they were not nearly equipped to deal with a crying girl.

Should I pat her back to something?!', Aiorthey thought to himself, that seemed like a pretty good idea.

He was just leaning forward to comfort her when a peal of laughter erupted from her mouth.

After that it was like a dam had broken, her body wracked by loud giggles and tears streaming from her eyes.

Aiorthey looked at Gideon and raised a confused eyebrow. Was she in shock? Was this some kind of mental break?

"Is something funny?" Gideon asked.

Anya tried to force her laughter to subside as she said,"No, no it's just, you've made some kind of mistake, I'm not your sister."

"Yes you are," Gideon said resolutely.

"No," Anya paused for a moment, "I'm really not, I don't have any biological family, not that I need any."

"I don't know how to say this," Gideon said in the softest tone he could, "But when our parents died 13 years ago we were told that you had as well, but we previously found out that you hadn't died after all, some Good Samaritan must have found you and dropped you off to a police station."

"That's a nice story," Anya said slowly, as if she were talking to a crazy person, "But I don't suppose you have any actual proof to back all this up?"

Gideon blinked in shock before saying, "Unfortunately we lost your birth certificate in a house fire nine years ago-"

"Well that's convenient," Anya cut across him.

"But," Gideon continued, "We do know of personal details about you that no one else could possibly know."

Anya's face paled slightly before saying in a slightly shaky tone, "Such as?"

Aston decided to speak up at this point, taking over from Gideon, "The fact that you are allergic to both strawberries and," He consulted his phone, "Tide washing detergent."

Anya blinked slowly before saying, "That doesn't prove anything, I assume that if you have the resources to kidnap me you have the means to find my doctors files."

Aston took a minute to pause and think before saying, "I suppose you may be right, but would your doctors know about your birth mark?"

She looked at Aston for a second in shock before saying haltingly, "What... what birthmark?"

Gideon started speaking again, "The strawberry shaped birthmark at the top of your right arm."

Anya's eyes went so wide that Aiorthey could see white all around her irises before whispering, "How could you possibly know about that?"

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