Who the fuck are you guys!

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Well, Anya thought, It's now or never.
And before a single other thought could run through her head Anya snapped around and swung.

"What the fuck!?" The mystery man said as she repeatedly hit him over the head with her racket, trying desperately to render him unconscious or something.

"Anya! Stop! What the hell?" The man shouted as he tried to shield his body from her frenzied attack.

Anya stalled for a second, somehow shocked that he said her name, but stopping her attack for even a second was a mistake.

The man took advantage of her shock and twisted the racket out her grasp before throwing it down the hall, he then grabbed her arms and held them to her sides to stop her from attacking him further.

"No!" Anya screamed as she struggled and twisted in his grasp, "You can't have my face you psycho!"

"What?" The man said, loosening his grasp as his face screwed up in confusion.

Taking advantage of his distraction Anya violently slammed her foot down on his while simultaneously kneeing him in the groin and broke free of his grasp.

"Anya-" The man began but she was already halfway down the corridor.

Yes! In your face Laurie, running did come in handy sometimes!

Anya glances behind her mid stride, but her face screwed up in fear at what she saw.

Instead of lying on the ground incapacitated, the man was sprinting close behind her and gaining by the second.

Anya turned ahead again and tried to focus on running rather than the 6 foot something man literally chasing her.

Anya had made it around twenty meters further and was just swinging around a corner when she felt a body of pure muscle slam into her from behind, effectively taking her down.

Anya let out a small puff of air as she fell to the ground, unable to move as she tried to get a breathe into her lungs. As she was recovering she felt strong hands on her waist as she was smoothly lifted over his shoulder.

"Let... me go... you.. ass.. hole," Anya wheezed as she futilely beat at his back.

The man ignored her as he started taking long strides down the corridor, going up stairs and turning corners as if he knew the place like the back of his hand.

Within seconds this man had completely erased nearly half an hour of navigation and she was again in her pink prison .

The man gently placed her feet on the carpeted floor and hurried out the door before she got her bearings, closing and locking it before she even got her bearings back.

"No!" Anya screamed as she ran forward and beat the door with all her might, "Let me out you freaks!"

After a few more minutes of beating the door Anya resorted to pacing her room like a wild animal trapped in a cage. What now? Her escape attempt failed spectacularly and soon she was to be sold to some creep.

Anya's mind hazed over with determination. She wasn't going to go easily. She would fight every step of the way, they would regret ever kidnapping her.

Anya searched the room for another weapon as her tennis racket had been taken from her but, unfortunately, there was no other weapon to speak of, the best thing she could find was a letter opener in the desk drawer. She pricked her finger on its pointy end and smiled in satisfaction when a small bead of blood welled up, this would do.

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