Grey eyes

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Anya sat on the freezing sidewalk for a moment trying to comprehend, what had just happened? There definitely hadn't been a wall there when she ran out the club a minute ago. As she looked up to investigate she met the cold grey eyes of 'the wall.'

Instead of crashing into something made of bricks and cement it turned out that she had crashed into what could possibly have been the largest man she had ever seen in her life.

He was at least 6'4, although it was difficult to tell from her current position on the ground, and he was built like a football player or something, with hands that looked like they could break her arm easily and these piercing eyes that stared into her soul, which was weird. Another thing that was weird was the fact that he hadn't shown any reaction to just having knocked her over even though she had been on the ground for a solid 10 seconds, but nope, he was just staring.

Anya cleared her throat and put out a hand, waiting for him to help her up because even though she had technically ran into him it would have been nice to help her. She seemed to have snapped him out of a trance because he quickly took her arm and pulled her up easily, but then he didn't let go.

"Hey um excuse me buddy,"Anya said injecting a bit of fake pep into her voice, " Could you maybe let go of my arm now?"

He either didn't hear her  or ignored her because he did no such thing, not holding her tightly enough to hurt but enough so that I couldn't walk away and was still staring at her.

"Hey," Anya said, a bit of harshness in her tone now, "Let go of me dude."

"Anya," He said, his voice sounding sort of, in awe? Weird. And even weirder that he knew who she was.

"Umm yeah, how do you know my name?"Anya said, trying to wiggle her arm out of his grip and definitely weirded out at this point.

"I can't believe that you are alive, you have no idea how special you are," He said, immune to the fact that she was definitely not to happy with him still holding her arm.

"What?"Anya said, confused but not fully paying attention as she was looking around for help, trying to catch someone's attention, it was busy so surely someone had to see that she needed help!

He ignored her question because now the growing crowd had drawn his attention too, he looked hurriedly around before muttering, "We need to get out of here."

We!? Oh nooooo no no no, not happening big guy, if he thinks she was  going anywhere with him he's got it wrong. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when a hand clapped onto her shoulder and she turned up to some familiar faces standing behind her.

"Anya there you are! We lost you in the crowds for a while there," Diego said looking at her with a relieved expression.

Oh thank god, they had finally found her.
" Yeah I've been chatting to this guy," She  said indicating to the giant who still had a firm grip on her arm, "But I'm ready to go now."

"Cool," Diego said, still oblivious to the situation she  was in. Jesus the guy can really shred but he was pretty dumb sometimes.

"Great," Anya turned to the guy and said, " My friends are here, you can let go now."

" No, Anya we need to leave, it isn't safe here," He said with a weird sense of urgency in his voice.

Finally Diego noticed her captor and a cold look came across his bright blue eyes before he said sternly, "She isn't going anywhere with you dude, back off."

Laurie and Matt must have been listening in because they crowded up behind her, her own personal bodyguards, apparently they did come in handy sometimes.

The big guy looked at Diego with a look of disbelief but he must not have wanted to cause a scene because he reluctantly let go of her arm and took a step back.

"Thank you," she muttered before turning her back on the weird guy and started to walk home with her guys, but not before hearing him say softly, "You will come back soon enough."

Things are getting weird for Anya, luckily her friends have her back. A lil warning for you guys, I'm not great at proofreading so there will defo be some spelling mistakes sprinkled around.

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