Taxi Driver

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Shit. Shit. Shit, how was she going to get out of this one? Living on the streets the only fights she had been in where against people similar to her age, not full on men! Oh she was so screwed.
She was pulled out of her quickly spiralling thoughts by the man saying gently to her, "Anya we need to go."

Oh hell no.

She sprang to her feet and stomped on one of his booted feet before going to run deeper into the dark alley. However, she didn't make it far.
She had only taken two steps before the large man's hands shot out and gripped her forearms, pinning her to the wall in a surprisingly gentle action.

"I'm sorry Anya," He said with a genuinely sad expression on his face, "But your brothers need you."

Oh this guy was definitely crazy, was this some kind of scam? Or was he just out of touch with reality.

Not caring enough to know the answer Anya decided that the only way she would be going with this man was unconscious or... well let's hope not dead but still.

However it was looking like it may be the first option as Anya saw the man pull a long and pointy object out of his pocket. No, no, no.

"Get that needle away from me, you psycho!" Anya screamed as she struggled wildly.

"I'm sorry, miss, I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this," The man said regretfully as a drop of clear liquid beaded on the needles tip.

"I don't know what you want with me but back the fuck up or you'll regret it!" Anya shouted.

The man didn't listen to her, a mistake on his part.

Just as the needle was lowering to her exposed arm Anya took a deep breath, pulled her head back and whipped it forward, hearing a sickening crunch as she broke the man's nose.
Anya was running the fastest she had ever run in her life, not even knowing if the man was behind her or still in his knees from the pain of his injuries. It's not like Anya had meant to break his nose, at best she had been hoping to stun him, it had just sort of happened.

Never mind now, she had other things to worry about, such as the other suited men she had seen earlier. Even though she had incapacitated the grey eyes man, the others were probably coding in on her by the second.

"I need a plan," Anya said to herself as she emerged from the alleyway into bright sunlight, her eyes squinting as they adjusted to the glare.
Luckily, this street wasn't deserted like the other one had been, there were cars all around her, the sound of traffic almost instantly calming her panicked heart rate.

The first step of her plan would be getting back to a safe place: her apartment.

The second step would be... well she hadn't thought of that yet so she would just focus on the first step for now.

Looking around Anya realised that the alleyway had taken her at least twelve blocks out of the way to get back to the apartment, she couldn't run that with the risk of being caught. So she would need to suck it up and get a taxi, even though they were expensive.

Smoothing her brown hair back a bit so she didn't look super crazy Anya went to the edge of the sidewalk and stuck out her arm confidently, how hard could this be?

After ten minutes Anya realised it was actually extremely hard to hail a taxi. Every time she thought one would pull over they swerved with a frightened look in their eyes, she didn't look that bad did she?

Just when Anya was going to suck it up and run back to the apartment a black taxi pulled up beside her, the drivers window sliding down.

"You need a ride?" The driver said with an accent Anya didn't quite recognise.

"Yes please!" Anya said, trying to meet his eyes that were hidden by sunglasses.

"Hop in," The driver said, already looking back at the road.

Smiling at her luck, Anya hurriedly opened the door to the backseat before rattling off the apartments address to the driver.

Leaning back Anya thought smugly about her escape, that taught them to mess with her. Still... why was grey eyed man talking about brothers? Anya had been alone as long as she could remember, with not even a distant cousin in her life, the band was the closest thing she had to a family.

"You want some water?" The driver said, pulling her from her daydream, "You're looking a bit red."

Embarrassed Anya mumbled a, "Yes," before excepting the bottle of water from him.
She hastily took a couple of gulps and put the cap back on before leaning back again and looking out the window at the buildings they were rushing past, white stone soon replacing the brick and fancier cars filling the streets.

As they passed a 'Gucci' Anya frowned in confusion. There weren't any shops even close to 'Gucci' where she lived, the only place to buy clothes within an eighth block radius was the smelly thrift store that sold a weird amount of fur jackets.

Come to think of it, the part of the city they were in was no where near her apartment, everything was too fancy.

"Hey, excuse me," Anya said, trying to get the drivers attention, "I think you're going the wrong way pal."

When the driver ignored her Anya leaned forward impatiently and tapped the partition angrily, "I said you're going the wrong w-" Anya all of a sudden felt a bout of dizziness and she felt like she might throw up. As she focused on her breathing she tried to tap the partition again to ask the driver to pull over as she didn't want to puke in his car.

However when she did get the drivers attention he just stared at her blankly before looking ahead again, she heard the click of the doors as they locked.

What? Why would the driver lock the doors unless...

Her eyes caught on the half full water bottle and it clicked into place, he had drugged her.

Oh, Anya thought to herself, I never got away did I.

Anya tried to scream, shout, smash the windows or just do anything but it felt like her limbs where weighed down my dumbbells. She slumped over on her seat and her last thought was, I guess I won't be getting paid now, before it all went dark.
Heyy sorry the perspective has been a bit off for this story but I think I have fixed it now :)
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