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Casper couldn't help but laugh at the thunderous look on his oldest brothers face as they sped down the streets of New York.

"You have to admit," He said as Gideon turned towards him, "It was kinda creative."

"Creative," Gideon bit out between his clenched teeth, "Is painting or poetry, not chaining yourself to three other people to avoid going home with your actual family."

"I was just saying," Casper muttered as he turned to look out the window, ignoring the scoffs of his other brothers.

"Just another corner and then we should be on Littlejohn avenue," Aiorthey muttered as he tapped away at a laptop.

"Finally," Gideon said as he sat up in his seat, looking around expectantly.

"So," Casper said as he looked around the SUV at his brother's, "What exactly is the plan?"

"What do you mean?" Aston grumbled as he tapped away at his laptop.

"I mean," Casper said as he leant back and rolled his eyes, "Our sister who doesn't trust us to the point that she ran away, hitched a ride with a total stranger and escaped border patrol is now chained to three separate teenagers either no easy way to get them out.... am I the only one who sees an issue here?"

"I guess we'll need to figure it out as we go along because we are here," Aiorthey said as the SUV slowed to a halt.

Casper scrambled to his door as Gideon sprang from the car, his feet skidding on the loose asphalt as he swung around the car to come face to face with the most beautiful being that he had ever seen.

Gideon's yelling at their sister slowly faded into he background as Casper stared into the boys beautiful brown eyes and he couldn't help but say, "Who are you?"

"Umm," the boy mumbled as pink stained his ears and throat, "Laurie?"

"Laurie," Casper couldn't help but whisper as he stared at the boy in front of him, "Umm... h-h-hi."

"Hi?" Laurie repeated back at him with a furrowed brow as Gideon continued shouting at his sister, tugging irritably at the chains wrapped around them.

"Hey, Laurie don't talk to him," the blond boy said standing on Laurie's right said sharply, "We don't like them remember."

"Right... your right," Laurie mumbled as he tore his gaze from Casper's and looked down at the ground.

Casper immediately felt the loss of Laurie's warm gaze but forced himself to turn his attention back to the frankly hilarious showdown that was going down between his sister and brother.

"The most idiotic, stupid thing someone has ever done," Gideon shouted as he glared at Anya, "What were you thinking!"

"I was thinking," Anya said as she glared back at Gideon with equal outrage, "That I didn't want to be separated from my family again to go back to Washington!"

"For one we are your family," Gideon shouted, a glimmer of hurt in his eyes, "How can you not see that all we want is the best for you."

"How can you want the best for me when you don't even know me!" Anya yelled although Casper detected a tone of genuine curiosity in her words.

"We do know you!" Gideon said as his voice quietened, "Or at least we did... before you were taken. I am genuinely sorry for how we went about it but we just wanted our sister back."

Casper blinked in shock at Gideon, his brother? Admitting he was wrong? Such a thing had never happened before, even Aiorthey and Aston who had stayed silent as they tugged at chains throughout the encounter looked surprised.

"Well..." Anya said, seemingly lost for words, "I would have been a lot more open to having brothers if you had like sent an email or something, it was pretty terrifying to be snatched off the streets."

A look of genuine remorse crossed Gideon's face and now he seemed lost for words so instead Aiorthey cut in, "We promise that was not the original plan we promise, the men we hired for the job had a... unique interpretation of our instructions but they were dealt with accordingly."

"Dealt with?" Anya said with a furrowed brow, "Like you got them fired or something?"

All four brothers looked at each other and Casper almost thought that they would tell their sister the truth... that they were leaders of the American mafia before Gideon gave a tiny shake of his head and said, "Exactly, they were fired."

"Ummm not to interrupt what I'm sure is a lovely family moment," The tall boy, Diego, piped up from his position behind Anya, "Buuuuut what's the plan exactly? I'm assuming you aren't going to give up on Anya anytime soon and we won't be separated from her so what's the plan."

Casper glanced back at Laurie whose big blue eyes looked confused and worried and it was like a lightning strike of an idea struck him and he exclaimed, "Why don't they just come with us to Washington!"

Gideon looked at his brother in confusion before saying, "Excuse me?"

"Well," Casper said excitedly, "We obviously need Anya to stay with us and Anya wants her friends nearby so why don't they just move into Glenan," he said referencing the cottage on their expansive estate.

"Move," The blonde boy, Matt, said in shock, "You want us to move across the country."

"It is quite a good solution," Aiorthey said before Aston continued, "Everyone would be happy."

"The music scene in Washington is pretty great," Diego murmured to himself before craning his neck around to Laurie, "What do you think L?"

"Well," Laurie murmured, his wide eyes flying to Caspers for a split second before returning to the ground, "I'll go where everyone else goes."

"Are we seriously talking about this?" Anya said, craning around to stare at her friends, "Moving across state lines and leaving everything behind just for me?"

"Don't be stupid Annie," Matt said, using the nickname that he knew annoyed her to all ends.

"What Matt means to say," Diego said with a reproachful stare, "Is what city we are in doesn't matter, we just need to stick together."

"Alright then," Anya said with a nod of her head before turning to her brothers, "Let's go home."

Exams are done! It felt so weird to edit this again after like a month but I'm baaaaaack

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