The plan

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Well shit, Anya thought as she glumly glared at her locked door, that didn't go amazingly.

While it was good news that her face wasn't going to be sold (a sentence she never thought she would think) but she was still less than pleased at being held hostage by the bothers she had never met or known.

It wasn't that she was upset at the thought of having brothers. If she had got an email or phone call of then calmly introducing themselves and maybe even asking to meet, she would have probably said yes. It was the fact that they had ordered men to stalk her, drugged her and then kept her from leaving this stupid house because 'they were family'. Well no thank you!

Anya had a life that she intended on getting back to, this was just a minor setback that she would overcome. First of all she need to get out of this room and explore the house, but that was better said then done as the door was locked from the outside. She could kick it down? No, that would never work, Anya was good in a fight but that was mostly speed, not strength. So if she couldn't rely on her body, she would have to count on her brain to get her out of this one.

Logically she should play to her captors- oh, brothers, weaknesses and get through to them that way. From what she could tell they were all in good shape and at least a little trained in combat, they had beaten her after all, so they were unlikely to have physical weaknesses she could exploit. However they did all seem close as brothers and they all obviously wanted her to join their 'family', maybe that was her opening? They cared about her enough to kidnap her and move her across the country, perhaps she could twist that care back onto them? It was worth a shot.

Anya walked over to the door before shouting, "Hey! I'm hungry! Please can I have some food?"

She waited and pressed her ear to the door in anticipation, straining to hear any noise from the hall, "Come on, please!"

Maybe they wouldn't come?


"I feel like that could have gone better," Aston muttered as he fell sideways into a  chair, his legs dangling over the arm casually.

Gideon hung up the call he was on a stalked over, shoving Astons feet back onto the floor on his way to the couch before saying, "You thought that  a teenage girl was just going to forgive us for drugging her and moving her across the country?"

Aston got up and started pacing, "Well... no, but if I was an orphan who found out they had an entire family I didn't know about you but I would be pretty thrilled."

"Hey," Aiorthey said from his spot on the couch, "Maybe when she said, I already have a family, that was was her being thrilled"

"Cut the tone," Gideon growled menacingly.

Aiorthey raised his hands in mock surrender and Aston continued by saying, "What did she mean by that anyway? Did she replace us?"

Casper bolted upright, "She could never replace us! Anyway, it's not like she'll even be seeing them again, she belongs in Washington now."

Aston was just about to answer when their sisters voice rang through the house saying, "Hey! I'm hungry! Please can I have some food?"

The brothers all looked at each other in confusion. This was a change of tune, Casper thought.

Aiorthey broke the sudden tension over the room but rising to his feet and making his way over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Gideon questioned.

"To get our sister food?" Aiorthey said as he opened the door to the hall.

"If anyone gets her food to should be me," Casper said as he got up and strode over to his older brother.

"How'd you figure that out?" Aston demanded as he joined the huddle by the door.

"I'm the closest in age to her so we will have the most in common," Casper said, as if he was talking to a dumb person.

"I don't think she needs 'things in common' right now," Aiorthey said, putting his fingers up in air quotes.

"Well she definitely doesn't need your moody faces around her," Casper snapped back.

"Be quiet, sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by children," Gideon finally spoke up as he calmly strode over to them.

"Gideon, tell thing 1 and thing 2 that I should do it," Casper said in an annoying tone.

"No," Gideon said crisply, barely bothering to glance up from his phone.

"No?" Casper said incredulously.

"I'm doing it," Gideon said simply before striding out of the room.

Casper and his brothers stood with their mouths agape for a moment before they all sprang into action, speaking over each other in a wall of arguments.

"But I'm the gentlest-" "It should be me-" "You have all the emotional capabilities of a rock-" " That's harsh..." "Thank you-" " the rock."
"Oh screw you"

"Quiet!" Gideon cut over his brothers, a thunderous expression on his face, "Now can you see why I will be doing this?" 

The brothers fell silent, silent apprehensive looks on their faces, you don't want to mess with Gideon when he's in this mood.

"You know what," Aston said as he nudged his twin, "We have a thing."

"What thing?" Aiorthey said with a confused expression.

"That thing," Aston said, shooting his brother a look.

"Oh yeah, that thing," Aiorthey said before swiftly waking down the corridor away from the tense atmosphere.

"Traitors," Casper grumbled under his breath as he turned to face Gideon who looked unimpressed. All of a sudden an idea flashed across Casper's mind and he couldn't help exclaiming, "I am a genius!"

Gideon raised s brow at him, "Come again?"

" Never mind, what I mean is I have a genius idea," Casper said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

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