Dancing Queen

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"I don't want to tell him, you do it," Casper's muffled voice came from beyond Gideon's closed door and Gideon clenched his jaw in annoyance.

After a day of dealing with arm smuggling deals, inter mafia politics and a missing sister Casper did not feel like dealing with his brothers antics when he would much rather be nursing a bottle of whiskey as most others were doing at 8 o'clock.
He almost wished he could drag is long departed father from the grave and kill him again for leaving him in charge of the biggest (and most difficult to run) mafia in the world.

"Casper you are the youngest and thus he will be less likely to hurt you when you deliver this very very bad news so-" Aston said in a commanding voice to his younger brother until his twin cut in.

"So," Aiorthey said in a voice that would sound identical to the untrained ear, "Suck it up and get in there." There were faint sound of a scuffle before an aggravated looking Casper slowly opened the door with a sheepish smile on his face, the twins following right behind him.

"Hey big bro, broski, Gid Gid. May I just say that you look so handsome an-" Casper's rambling s were cut of my Gideon's sharp voice.

"Casper, if you do not get to the point in the next five seconds I will cut you completely off and force you to get a job at McDonald's to pay rent."

"We have no leads on Anya," Casper rushed out his eyes darting around the room, "None of our eyes have seen her at any major airports or train stations. We have started reaching out to local taxi drivers but due to the sheer amount of them it is slow progress."

Gideon clenched his hand around his tumbler of water, the glass groaning under the intense pressure, "Keep asking around with taxi drivers and widen the net to the surrounding towns and cities, this is our number one priority, use all our man power if you need to. But do not, under any circumstances, hire from outside our employees, I don't want a single word of this getting round to the South Americans or even worse the Russians, also-" Gideon's tirade was cut off by the shrill ringing of Astons phone before he swiftly clicked the recurve buttons before stepping outside to take the call.
Gideon continued with hardly a pause, "Also, Aiorthey I need you and Aston to continue combing all nearby security with your team."

A pained expression crossed Aiorthey's face as he said, "That team is made up of the most useless, incompetent, testosterone filled sleaze bag-"

"I'm sure I'm cutting off a very interesting tirade but you will want to hear this," Aston said as he walked back into the room, slipping his phone back into his pocket, "We think that a female taxi driver gave Anya a ride yesterday afternoon. When approached she was cagey and wouldn't tell our people anything, most likely due to Anya paying her off. But she got very flustered very quickly and mentioned a gas station by accident when our guys hadn't said anything about one."

Gideon felt a bolt of triumph go through him as he got up and started pacing the room, "Casper forget everything I just said, look for nearby gas stations and scan the security footage for Anya."

"Got it," Casper said, already walking out of the room, typing hurriedly on his phone.

"Aiorthey, try and track down where Anya lived in NYC, if she manages to get all the way back there that is where she will go, set up someone to watch the building at all times," Gideon turned his head to Aston, "And when Casper gets a fix on Anya's location set our guys en route to try and intercept her."

The twins huddled their heads together and started talking in whispered half sentences about their respective tasks, a habit that usually annoyed Gideon but today, in the light of this good news he couldn't help but smile. They were getting their sister back.

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