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Anya had decided that Josephine was the coolest person she had ever met. Not only had she pulled off some movie worthy car manoeuvres in the most stressful car chase of Anya's life, she had also insisted on lending Anya her phone to send the boys a simple text, " This is A, I am safe, meet me at our place," and then dropped off Anya to a graffitied alley. There was then a heartfelt goodbye in which Josephine gave Anya her number before Anya was alone in the alley, waiting for her guys and glancing around, worried that her brothers would somehow leap out from behind the corner.

However Anya didn't have to wait long because ten minutes after arriving at the alley she heard the scuffle of multiple footsteps and shortly after three familiar faces appeared at the end of the alley. They had hardly seen Anya before she jumped at them, crushing them in a group hug as she let out an uncharacteristic squeal.

"Anya! When I make sure you are okay we are going to kill you!" Laurie said as she was squeezed by his tree trunk arms, made strong from drumming.

"Yeah you little sociopath, we were worried sick about you!" Diego said as he fondly ruffled her hair.

"I mean they were, I was fine," Matt said fixing his hair as he disengaged from the hug.

"Don't let him fool you A, he was practically tearing out his hair in worry," Diego said as he lightly punched a scowling Matt's shoulder, "Talking about calling the police and starting a manhunt."

"Awwww Mattttt," Anya said as she pinched his cheeks, "You do care."

"I wasn't that worried," Matt said, batting away Anya's grabby hands, "Where were you anyway?"

Anya huffed a sigh as six questioning eyes turned to her, "Long story, and I honestly cannot get into it right now but basically I have four long lost brothers who seem to think that I belong with them? Anyway there was a kidnapping, a couple escape attempts and an epic car chase, at least I'm home now."

"Woahhhh," Laurie said as they all stood with wide eyes at her rapid fire talking, "That's certainly... something."

"Well I have an idea on how to get you through this fun experience," Diego said as he slung an arm over her shoulder and let her out of the dark alley, "let's get wasted."


"Sir, we have located your sister," one of his men announced as he typed away on a computer.

"Where is she?" Gideon said, looking up from his phone to face the man as the private jet rumbled beneath them as they hit another bit of turbulence. Gideon enjoyed private travel as much as the next person but no amount of money could take away uncomfortable travel.

"She is currently in," The man paused momentarily to glance back at his computer, "A 'shaws bar' and she has been there for the last three hours."

"Wait," Gideon said, rubbing his brow, "Anya managed to travel across the country, get through a road block and back into New York without capture and now she is in... a bar? She isn't even legal! That cannot be good for her health, Terry look up statistics on underage drinking."

"The men we have had on her since she met with her friends have suggested that Anya is currently, mind my language, completely wasted," The man said as he glanced again at his laptop.

"Teenagers," Gideon groaned before he turned to his brother, "Casper? How soon can we get to this... bar after we land?"

"Our guys are already waiting on the ground, the twins have made sure that all our nearby men are ready to converge on the guys, she won't get away again," Casper said, barely looking up from the game he was playing on his phone.

"Twins," Gideon said as he craned his torso as so he could face the two identical faces, "What info have you gathered on Anya's so called 'friends'."

"Okay, one, don't be jealous of Anya's brother like figures just because we are her actual brothers," Aston started.

"And two," Aiorthey continued, "She was raised with Diego in foster care so they are extremely close, Mathew  and Laurence she met later on and she now lives with them."

"She lives with three men! Who approved this situation? Thank goodness we found her when we did," Gideon growled in aggravation at the mere premise of his baby sister sharing a living space with three untrustworthy men.

Aiorthey cleared his throat, "I agree with you Gideon, you know I do but-"

"These boys clearly mean a lot to our sister, it may be hasty to go in all guns blazing and accuse them of things," Aston continued.

"High score!" Casper shouted, gaining the attention of all his brothers, he then looked around and said, "Did I miss something?"

Gideon rolled his eyes and was about to respond to his youngest brother before the flight attendant walked over to them to tell them to put on their seatbelts as the plane was descending, they were close to getting their sister back.

Can we look at me! Two updates in a week! Let's not get used to it tho 🤣 Hope y'all are enjoying so far 🤍

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