Where is she?

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"Oh look Anya , it's a Starbucks, do you want to get something," Casper asked his younger sister as she practically sprinted ahead of him, expecting her to jump at the chance to get whatever teenage girls where drinking at the moment, however she stayed silent, keeping her head down as she strode ahead.

"Anya? Did you hear me," Casper said as he tried to keep up with his sisters brisk pace.

"Come on Casper," She said from in front of him, her voice sounding slightly deeper than usual, maybe she was ill? Wait, what if it was because of her period! Casper thought, Maybe that's why she took so long in the bathroom? Do girls voices sound deeper in their period? It's not like he could ask.

Casper kept up with his sister until they made it to the food hall and finally came across Gideon who was glaring down at his phone before glancing up at them and saying, "Where's Anya?"

Casper laughed at his brothers weird joke and pointed at his sister, "What do you mean? She's right there."

"No she isn't," Gideon said, gently but firmly reaching over and removing Arya's hood, only it wasn't Anya, instead the fabric revealed a teenagers sheepish face as she said, "Hi! OMG we totally got you! You actually thought I was your girlfriend! I can't believe it worked for that long!"

Casper's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he said, "Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, where is our sister?"

"Umm I don't know anything about a sister," The girl said as she glanced between the two intense men, " Your girlfriend, Anya, ran into me in the bathroom and said she needed help to get away from you to buy your present and I agreed to help a girl out. So we did a swap and I made you follow me! Pretty smart right!"

Gideon's face clouded over with anger as he worked out what had happened with a calculated efficiency and asked the girl, "Where is she?"

The girl tapped the side of her freckled nose and said with a wink, "That would be telling! We haven't done all of this just for your friend to find out his present!"

"The girl you helped is very... mentally unwell. We had taken her on an outing from her mental facility but she must have fooled you and got away. She is a danger to herself and those around her and it is in everyone's best interest for you to tell us where she is," Gideon said with an almost pleading expression in his face, his act was so convincing even Casper almost believed him.

The girls face paled as she took in Casper's grave words, "No way! But she was so nice, that's awful! All I know is she told me to go right so maybe she went left? I gave her my navy blue sweater to wear."

Gideon took one of the girls hands in his and said sincerely, "Thank you, thank you so much." He then turned in his heel and started briskly walking in the direction the girl had pointed towards.

"Wow," Casper said as he caught up with his brother, "That was almost convincing."

"Shut up Casper," Gideon said with a dark expression in his face, "I cannot believe she commandeered a random girl to help her escape-"

"Yeah that was a bit harsh-"

"Don't interrupt me, I would have done the exact same thing. I just cannot believe that you fell for it."

Casper's eyebrows pulled back as his mouth opened in outrage, "Like you would have realised! I'm not sure why we are fighting anyway, we need to find the others and get to Anya."
Just then Casper caught sight of Aston and Aiorthey strolling towards them, arms laden with fried pretzels and milkshakes and rapidly speaking back and forth in half sentences as they so often did, as they drew near Casper caught the tail end of their conversation.

"I don't think they..." Aston said before Airothey took over

"Nah nah but they totally..."

"For sure but also-" Aston got cut off by Gideon's sharp voice saying, "Casper lost Anya, we need to move... now."

The twins stopped in shock, blinking for a couple of seconds before their game faces snapped on and they pulled out their phones, thumbs flying faster than Casper could track until Aston eventually said, "We have eyes on her leaving the East entrance fifteen minutes ago before disappearing into a crowd and we lost her after that."

Gideon nodded with steely eyes as he also pulled out his phone from his pocket and started scrolling through his contacts before clicking one and bringing it to his ear, "I'll inform Rafaela that we need to set up eyes at the closest major trains and airports to watch for her, Casper I want you to check in with all our local guys and ensure they keep an eye out, also get eyes back in New York, if she goes anywhere it will be there. Twins, keep on scanning security footage in the area and look for her. The longer she's missing the harder it will be to find her," He barely paused for breath as he issued these rapid fire demands and Casper definitely understood how he had single-handedly become the most dangerous mafia don in America.

The brothers all nodded before beginning with their duties... they weren't going to lose their sister again.

Heyyy sorry it had been a min, very much a busy time at the moment <3 Still not sure how I feel about this but it's something right? Love you all x

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