Stuck together

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"Maybe that last round was a mistake" Anya mumbled as she staggered down the dimly lit street propped up between Matt and Diego as Laurie ran down the street in front of them.

"Why would you say that?" Diego slurred as he stumbled over his own feet, nearly bringing them all to the ground, "I feel fit as a fiddle."

"I feel like I could run a thousand miles!" Laurie shouted as he ran aimlessly, circling back every now and again so he didn't go too far.

Anya chuckled as she walked along, feeling like walk to the bar had not been that far on the way there, but then again on the way they hadn't been struggling to walk. "I feel like I could sleep for a hundred years," She remarked as she reflected in the past couple days of her life.

"Guys, guys, guys," Laurie said as his lanky body collided with them as he ran over, "I think someone is following us."

"Whaaaaaaat," Matt slurred as he sluggishly looked around, "Where."

"There's a vroom vroom behind us," Laurie said as he pointed behind them all, "Going reaaaaaallllllly slowly."

In unison they all spun around to discover that there was a black van trailing them very slowly.

"Oh nooooooo," Anya slurred as she slapped a hand to the side of her face, "They are totally here for me."

"Your rich ass brothers?" Diego asked as he stared curiously at the van, his brain clearly too soaked in vodka to process the situation.

"Do you know any of my other brothers that I'm not aware of," Anya asked as she took a couple shaky steps towards the van before Matt stopped her."

"Are you crazyyyyyy," He slurred as he pulled her back into his long arms, "We should be running away, didn't they frigging kidnap you last time?"

"But where would we go? My brothers must be close by" Anya asked as she looked around at the smelly street.

"Oh oh oh! I've got an idea!" Laurie shouted as he ran around them excitedly, "But we are going to need some chains."


"You know guys, the more sober I get the more I question if this was a good idea," Anya said as she looked down at the chains wrapped around her legs, arms and middle.

"Do not dare question my genius," Laurie said as he worked on securing the last padlock, "This is foolproof."

"Explain," Matt said as he struggled to turn around to pin Laurie down with a scornful glare, "How chaining ourselves together is foolproof."

"Because they won't take Anya if they have to take all of us dummy," Laurie said as he finished off and admired his handiwork.

"And I get that I'm their sister but they probably won't want me if it means being stuck with your annoying ass Matt," Anya said as she stuck out her tongue at the offended blonde.

"How dare you, as soon as I am out of these chains you won't know what's hit you," Matt said as he struggled to hit Anya, jostling Laurie in the process.

"Watch it guys! You're going to make me drop the..... key," Laurie said as they heard something splash in the drain beneath them.

"Laurie," Diego said in a terrified voice, "Please don't say that you just dropped the key down the drain.

"Okay," Laurie said in a quiet voice," I won't tell you."

"Oh god," Matt yelled, "We are going to be trapped together forever.

Just as everyone was about to break out into shouting a ringing cut across the noise, making everyone stop in curiosity.
Diego was the one who realised what it was first as he struggled to pull the ringing phone from his pocket and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" He said curiously as the phone went silent.

"Is this Diego?" A familiar male voice said from the other side of the call and Anya groaned in annoyance.

"Leave me along Gideon! You would have thought that escaping over state lines would have got the message into your head!" She yelled at the tiny black screen in Diego's hand.

"Anya we understand that you are upset but it is in your best interest to tell us where you are, it isn't safe to be out this late," Gideon said in what she assumed was his gentlest voice.

"Fine," Anya said as she looked at the nearest street sign, "We're on Littlejohn avenue but it won't be easy for you to get me to go with you when you get here."

"Aiorthey," She heard Gideon say as his voice went slightly muffled, "Check for any surveillance camera on Littlejohn avenue."

A quiet minute ticked by as the four of them looked at each other in confusion and a little bit of fear until Gideon said in a dark voice, "Please tell me that isn't you chained to each other and a streetlight."

"Okay then," Anya said as they all fought smiles," I won't tell you."

"Of all the idiotic things," Gideon said as his voice got louder and louder, "This is what your little teenager brains came up with!? How did you even get that many chains."

"Laurie knows a guy," Anya said casually as she tried to imagine the look on her older brothers face right now.

"It's not creepy or anything," Laurie said as he rushed to defend himself, "He's just got a lot of big dogs."

"At least tell me that you have the key," Gideon said in a much quieter, but no less angry voice.

"Well we did," Anya started.

"Oh thank god,-" Gideon started before he was interrupted

"Until Laurie dropped it down the drain," Anya finished in a sheepish voice.

"We will see you soon Anya, don't go anywhere," Gideon said, "Oh wait... you can't."

Sorry it has been so long guys! Exams are just not being cute at the minute but I'm trying to  get back into it I swear, also a little shoutout to @macncheese_Qweeen cause girl has had to be very patient 🤣

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