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Aston shifted excitedly from foot to foot as he waited in the driveway for this long overdue reunion.

"Stop moving," Gideon told Aston from his position besides him, "You look like you need a piss."

"No I don't," Aston whispered back at him, but he stopped moving all the same.

"No you're right," His twin, Aiorthey, whispered to him, "You look more like an anxious toddler."

"Fuck off," He grumbled under his breath, shoving Aiorthey enough to make him lose his footing but Aiorthey only laughed to himself.

"Did I miss it!?" Their youngest brother, Casper, said as he scrambled down the steps of the manor, slipping on the stones as he made his way over to them.

"If you all can't act like adults then you can wait inside like the children you are," Gideon said in annoyance as he loaded and stripped his favourite handgun, a nervous habit he had, had for years.

Aston and Aiorthey looked at each other and roller their eyes, smirking slightly. They were both well aware of why Gideon was extra irritable this morning.

"Can you stop doing your creepy twin thing," Casper said with a fake shudder, "It gives me the shivers."

"Be quiet," Gideon said, with no room for argument.

"Ooo," Aiorthey taunted to Aston only low enough for him to hear, or it should have been.

"I said be quiet," Gideon said in a harsher tone, turning to his brothers before checking his watch impatiently, "He's late."

Aston checked his own watch before saying in a bemused tone, "By three minutes."

"For the amount we are paying him he should have been early," Gideon said.

"You do know that we aren't paying him right?" Casper said, amused, "The company is."

"It's so weird that you call the mafia 'the company'"Aiorthey said to Casper, "It's what pays for your phone after all."

Casper's ears turned red as he turned away to look down the drive, searching for the car that they were all so eagerly waiting for.

"Four minutes," Gideon murmured to himself, looking extremely put out.

Aston rolled his eyes and said in an exasperated tone, "Maybe they hit traffic."

"How does one hit traffic in a private plane?" Gideon said in a condescending voice.

"Well she is coming all the way from New York," Casper said, ever the mediator, "You cannot expect her to get to Washington at the drop of a hat."

"We could have stayed in a house that was umm I don't know, in the same state as her!" Aiorthey said yet again, having argued this many times.

"It's only right that we should actually meet her in our family home," Casper said.

"We've already met her," Gideon said sharply' looking  up from whatever he was doing on his phone, "We met her for two years."

Everyone's eyes suddenly met the ground as they shifted uncomfortably, not eager to speak on the subject that was taboo in their family.

Aston was just about to break the awkward silence when a black SUV rolled onto the driveway, making a lazy circle around the fountain before coming to a stop before the brothers.

Aston puffed up his chest and prepared to open the cars backseat door before an iron arm shot across his chest, he turned to find Gideon looking at him.

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