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(A/N: I have no idea what Tuc's parents are like IRL, hardly a handful of people will read this anyway but disclaimer; these characters are all entirely made up. I just felt a little conflict was called for.)

The four of us meet Tuc's parents at a restaurant they've chosen and Andy's parents had been invited last minute and as they were in town, they had agreed to come. Tuc's parents likely weren't going to like that, they didn't seem to get along well but as I'd reminded them, Andy and Tuc were paying for the wedding themselves so inviting them to wedding planning truly was a courtesy. 

"I wish we'd not agreed to this." Andy is nervous as we wait for all the parents to arrive. His thick planner was in the middle of the table and a few bottles of champagne in buckets of ice were also on the table.

"Do you think they'll mind not being invited to the stag and stag?"

"I think they'll be fine with it." I smirk, amused at the thought of their parents on a wild night out with these boys. They really do party hard.

"Hello, sorry we're late darling." Andy's mum smiled as she rushed in with his dad close behind her. She kissed Andy on the cheek and did the same with Tuc before sitting down next to me.

"Hello my dear, it's lovely to see you again." She smiled and hugged me fondly.

"Likewise, it's been a while." I am fond of her, she's always been the kind of mum I wished I'd had. My family is a mess and I rarely see them.

"Ah hello, you're all here. Good." Tuc's mum doesn't sound happy in spite of her words and she sits down next to Tuc and waits for her husband to greet Tuc and sit down on her other side.

"Shall we begin?" Tuc's mum seems eager.

"Hello, can I take your order?" The young waitress smiled at us in a friendly way. 

"Yes please." I return her smile and decide to take charge. Once we've all placed our order Andy opens his book and begins to show his mum the outfit choices they were thinking of. They wanted matching Tuxedo's and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were going to be colour co-ordinated and paired for the day, given selected tasks.

"Do you want something a little different as my best woman?" Andy turned to look at me and all eyes were on me.

"That's a choice for you to make, I'll wear whatever you want me to." I chuckle. 

"I think this colour scheme is a little tacky." Tuc's mum said suddenly and we all gawp at her.

"Tacky?" Tuc asked, stunned.

"Yes, you should go with something a little classier, a rose gold or a burgundy perhaps. Blue seems a little obvious for a gay wedding."

"What's your favourite colour again?" I ask her, knowing the answer.

"Blue. But that's neither here nor there, I'm not the one getting married."

"You're absolutely right, I think the boys have settled on a colour they both love and perhaps even chose with you in mind. Why don't you swap seats with your husband and I'll swap with Christian so we can have a look through some of these cake selections." I smile at her in a friendly way. I just need to help my friends have a good evening and wedding by keeping the atmosphere happy and friendly and that means managing Tuc's mum. Tuc and Andy both shoot me a grateful smile as the seat swapping begins. They'd assigned the cake choice to me as neither of them are big cake fans so I knew this would eventually become something I could use to distract her with.

"That was some sexy skills." Christian whispered in my ear as he held onto my waist whilst sliding behind me to swap seats. My whole body had tingles and I blush as I sit down.

"Do I sense some gossip?" Andy's mum pipes up as she notices the dynamic between us.

Christian laughs and glances at me to see if I mind. I shrug, I don't mind people knowing.

"Not yet." He winks at her and she grins.

"Well I wish you both the most happiness, my Andy is always saying he thinks you'd be good together but he didn't think it would happen."

"We're taking it slow." I am blushing bright red so turn to Tuc's mum who is looking at me oddly. I have no idea what the look is about so I instead pull out a selection of photos to discuss with her.

The rest of the meal went quickly and easily. It was only as we were leaving that the drama began.

Tuc and Andy were outside with Andy's parents and Tuc's dad as Christian and I were inside saying goodbye to Tuc's mum who had wanted to speak to me separately. 

"So I should say congratulations but I have to admit I'm not happy about this development." She begins and I'm astonished so don't speak.

"I had thought you and Tuc might develop an attachment, this wedding is such a farce. Andy is not the right person for him." My jaw hits the floor and I'm too dazed to reply for a minute. I can feel Christian tense but I put my hand on his arm.

"Mrs Tuc. Your son and Andy are the best couple I have ever met, they are absolutely perfect for each other, complement each other in so many ways, communicate excellently and I genuinely think their relationship is one to aspire to. Tuc is gay and would never have been attracted to me, I also would never have chosen Tuc as a partner, as lovely as he is, I have a type.  Tuc and Andy are my best friends, they're the brothers I always wanted and I only want for them to be happy. I'm shocked that you wouldn't want that for your own son." 

"Of course I want them to be happy. I don't think Andy is the person to make him happy though." 

"You've never given him a chance, I don't know if this is homophobia or specific to Andy but they're amazing together. I will also protect them at all costs, if this means you get cut out of the wedding to prevent their special day from being spoiled then I will recommend they do that and bear in mind that they hugely take my opinions on pretty much everything into consideration. But if you still want to be a part of their lives and their big day then you'll stop trying to cause problems, stop with the sniping comments to Andy and pretend we're having a nice conversation so they don't have to worry that this conversation ever happened. Your choice."

"Everything ok?" Andy comes bouncing in happily, followed by Tuc who looks hesitant.

"Yeah we were just talking about cake." Tuc's mum smiles at me and then back at them. "It's been lovely to see you both, we'll get together again soon." She hugs both of them and leaves.

"Wow." Andy is astonished, "what did you say to her?"

"Nothing. We were just talking cake. Who, besides the two of you, doesn't like a bit of cake." I chuckle and lead them out.

"You're pretty awesome." Christian whispered in my ear as he caught up with me and took my hand in his as we walked along. I look across at his hand and then at his face and see genuine admiration in his look. I blush and look away, concentrating on walking without tripping.

"Just being a good friend." I shrug it off.

"We're going out now." He announces.

"Now? It's only 2pm." 

"Yeah that means there's only 10 hours left of the day and I have plans for you." He smirks at me and I blush. "See you guys later." 

"Tomorrow!" Andy calls after me.

"I've not forgotten." I smile and wave before letting Christian lead me away.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now