15. The morning before the wedding day.

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"No word from Tuc's parents?" Christian asks me as we sit at the counter eating breakfast together.

"No and I've warned all the security to be on the look out. His mom is allowed in but his dad isn't so that might cause some chaos if they both end up coming." I sigh unhappily, "I'll be on the lookout for them."

"Try to enjoy yourself as well. You don't have to be on hyper alert." He smiles lovingly at me.

"I do. I want their day to go absolutely perfectly."

"And one day we'll repay the favour." Andy grins as he and Tuc walk in from the guest bedroom. They've been banned from their apartment until this evening so I can work my magic.
Christian's words from last week ring in my ears. I wonder if they're trying to suss out if I'd be interested in marriage one day. Well that's a thought for another day.

"You're up!" I grin and grab Andy's arm, yanking him to sit down next to me.

"Woah, how many coffees have you had?" He laughs.

"A lot. We have a whole day planned for you both." I beam excitedly.

"Tell me." He grins amused.

"Spa morning, you have the works, relax and enjoy it. Then a late lunch with your parents followed by a quick meeting with the wedding organiser who really earned her money to go over final details before a romantic dinner with Tuc to relax and unwind before you head over here for the night."

"Sounds fantastic." He grins at me and I relax back into my chair for a second before a loud bang on my door startles me out of my seat.

"Bloody hell, who's that!" I go to look through the spy hole and see my mother with oversized sunglasses on which means she's hung over. Shit.
I cast a worried glance back to the men before quickly slipping out into the hallway.

"Mother, hello." I am frosty with her, angry about our last encounter but more-so at her childish ghosting me.

"Laura. Aren't you going to invite me in?" She's already snappy.

"No. What do you want?" I ask tersely.

"How is that any way to treat your mother."

"How is it your my mother when you've ghosted me for weeks. Now is that any way to treat your daughter?" I throw it back to her and she's caught off guard, not used to this aggression from me.

"After your behaviour you should be thankful that's all I did. Not open the door!" She's raised her voice.

"No. I'm very busy today. And quite frankly after your behaviour last time, you should be glad I've not gone no contact."

"Oh I see you've been talking to your brother and his whore." My mouth drops open in shock.

"Excuse me!" I exclaim angrily, noticing the door opening behind me and feel Christian at my back, his hand on my hip as he wraps a protective arm around me.

"Oh it's you again." She seems torn on how to act.

"Hi, nice to see you again. Was there something you wanted? It's Andy's wedding day tomorrow you see so I'm sure you can imagine how busy we are today." He smiles and I can feel he's genuine but cautious.

"Oh is that tomorrow. I'm surprised they're going through with it." She scoffs, "well you only need to spare her for an hour, mothers come first you know." She smiles back but I can already see the issues my poor brother and sister in law faced ahead of me.

"Absolutely not. You will never come above my partner." I snap, my temper lost. "And you will never come above my brother's wife in his life ever again. You have to face that children grow up and find their new priorities. If you keep pushing this narrative and aggression then you are going to lose both of us." Christian can sense I've lost my temper and rubs the back on my neck and shoulders in an attempt to soothe and calm me. Normally it would've worked but I've gone past that point now.

"Always full of drama." She actually rolls her eyes at me. "You've been nothing but bad news for my daughter."

"And how would you know since you've met him in passing twice. I've actually never been happier. Ever." I'm growling at this point, "last warning mother, go home now and we will talk calmly just you and me in a few days after the wedding or this is the final straw for me."

"This is outrageous." She shouts, stepping up to me in an attempt to intimidate me. I laugh in her face, turn round and go back in my apartment.

"Goodbye mother." I shut the door behind Christian once he's inside and double lock it.
She immediately begins to bang on the door.

"If you don't leave, I will call the police." I yell at her and the banging stops.

"Good. Now on with our day." I shake off my emotions and smile at a gobsmacked Andy and Tuc who are both stood staring at me.

"Chop, chop. We literally haven't got all day." I smile, "we all need to get dressed." I kiss Andy's cheek and stroke Tuc's arm to reassure them before headed to my bedroom to dress.

I sit down on my bed, close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle my pounding heart.

I feel Christian's arms around me, hoisting me up to embrace tightly. I allow myself a couple of tears as I cling to him and then let go to get ready for the day.

"I know you won't want to now but I'm here to listen anytime honey." I smile and kiss him passionately. I'm not sure what I did to get this lucky, he is amazing.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now