16. The day before the wedding.

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"Relax." Andy demands as we sit in the jacuzzi.

"That's my line." I smirk at him.

"Oh I'm feeling very relaxed actually." He grins and opens an eye to look at me. "You and Christian are going well." It's a statement and a question.

"Yes. Very well." I smile, thinking about him, I've fallen crazy hard and fast for him. I look at Andy and he's grinning at me.

"I wish I'd introduced you sooner, you may have been married with kids by now." I laugh out loud at him.

"Or not." He sits up surprised by my reaction.

"Well yes but no, no kids." I shrug, "not interested, never have been and I know Christian feels the same."

"Ah I see. And if Christian was to propose to you right now, what would you say?" I open my eyes and look across at him, he's teasing but I can see he's curious.

"Yes." I shrug.

"Really?" Andy sits up, splashing us both in his surprise.

"Yeah. I know it's massively soon but I genuinely believe he's the man I'll spend the rest of my life with if he'll have me and engagements can be long, no rush after all." I chuckle.

"Wow!" He laid back down beaming.

"Come on, it's nearly time for your massage. I splash him and grab his arm to pull him out of the water.

After Andy's enjoyed all his treatments and looks like he's about to float off to the moon in a daze of relaxation, we head to the restaurant for lunch to see his parents. I love Andy's parents, they are truly loving wonderful people.

"Hello my darlings." His mom greets us with big excited hugs when she sees us and ushers us to sit down, insisting the meal is on them.
His dad is a little more old school but still warm and friendly.
We enjoy a wonderfully relaxed meal and are about to order desert when I see Tuc's mom walking past the restaurant. Andy's mom sees her too and glances at me, I smile reassuringly at her and excuse myself with the reasoning that I can't wait to call Christian and check up on Tuc.

"Please wait. Hi." I greet her. She looks exhausted, as if she's been crying which wouldn't surprise me.

"Oh hi. How is he?" She instantly asks.

"He's ok. Disappointed his parents won't be there tomorrow but he's being spoiled and pampered as we speak."

"Good. Thank-you Laura, you are a wonderful friend to him. I'm sorry for all the distress."

"You can still come tomorrow, please think about it. You know it would mean the world to Tuc."

"I'd like to. I've actually left his dad. I'm in a bit of a jam, I have no money, no clothes, nothing really besides the small bag I took with me, my paperwork and the small amount I have in my account which I basically used as a deposit on a flat."

"Oh wow! You know I'm super proud of you, that can't have been easy! And I'm here for anything you need. In fact, we can go shopping right now if you're not busy? Mother of the groom needs to look spectacular after all, on me of course." I grin.

"Are you certain about this?" She looks worried.

"Yes absolutely!" I link my arm through hers and lead her back to the restaurant. "Let me just grab my bag and coat."

I go in and explain in hushed whispers to Andy's mom who decides she's going to come with us and leave Andy with his dad.

"Don't worry about the wedding organiser, it's literally just a quick run through to make sure you know what happens when. A refresher if you like. No organising actually needs doing. I'll see you after your meal." I squeeze him tightly and he looks confused and worried.

"Don't worry, it's all good things." I try to relieve the worry. Keeping Tuc's mom a secret until the morning was going to be tough. He smiles at me, reassured and we leave to go dress shopping.

Dress shopping is super fun and I thoroughly enjoy myself, as do both moms and we manage to find her a dress that almost matches Andy's moms which they are both delighted with.
The only way this could've gone any better was if his dad hadn't been such an ass but there's not much I can do about that so I head home to spend a couple of hours with Christian before he goes to stay with Tuc overnight and Andy comes to mine.

"Hi honey, how was your day? Andy mentioned something about you and his mom taking off?" Christian greets me in my flat when I get home, he has his own key now.

"It was great." I beam at him, throwing myself into his arms and kissing him before he can say anything else.
He groans in surprise and lust as I press myself against him.

"Wow, well that was unexpected." He's grinning now, not letting go but instead walking me backwards to the door. "What happened today?" He asks as he trails his teeth and tongue up and down my throat. He knows exactly what he's doing and he knows my mind will be mush and no intelligent words will leave my mouth.

"Mmm. Tuc's mom." Is all I manage to say but it's enough to stop him and focus his attention on me.

"What?" He gasped in surprise. I take a moment to gather my composure, still grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, I saw her on the street and went to speak to her. She's left him and is living on her own in a little flat across town. I had a word with Andy's mom and we all went dress shopping, she got a dress nearly the same and they're going to walk in together. Tuc and Andy both don't know but I can't wait to see their faces."

"Have I told you that you're amazing?" He laughs in amazement.

"Mmm, once or twice. Maybe you should show me though huh." I smirk and he scoops me up and carries me to the bedroom.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now