London Fun

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"Are you ready to leave?" I ask my mother as we see her hovering near the front door.

"Yes, we can leave." I've not explained Christian's presence and I know she's dying to ask.

"It's awfully early to have guests." She's taking the indirect route it would seem.

"Yes and yet here you are." I smile in a friendly way, refusing to be baited.

"Indeed." She smiles, noticing when we step outside that Christian takes my hand.

"Have you been together long?" She doesn't bother to ask if we are together, jumping straight to things she can judge us on.

"A while." I refuse to be specific whilst attempting to distract her, "have you had a haircut? It looks lovely."

"Thank-you." She's dismissive of the compliment and skips straight to interrogation, "what do you do for a living Christian?"

"I'm an actor." He smiles, keeping his polite and friendly manner with her.


"Christian's a hugely successful Broadway actor and he's now working in the west end."

"So you're a stage actor." I'm not sure if this improves or diminishes her opinion of his career.

"Mostly yes."

"Mother you know Debra Messing. Christian starred in a series called Smash with her." I know she's a fan of Debra so this might stop her.

"Oh indeed." Her eyebrows raise in surprise, "and is it at all lucrative working on the stage?"

"Well I do fairly well for myself." He smiles modestly.

"He does better than fairly well for himself." I smile, trying to boost his image for what reason though I don't know, I guess I just don't want my mother attacking him. She's weirdly possessive over my money and my success. Ever since my first book went viral and the money began flowing nicely, she seemed to think she had a claim on it.
I've always been happy to share with the people I love and care about, it just bothered me how she became suddenly my number one fan.

"Hmmm indeed. I shall have to look you up." She snickered and began walking ahead to get in my car.

"I'm so sorry." I mouth before called out to her, "mother, we're getting a taxi, parking in London is impossible."

"Oh." She turned her nose up at the thought, "must we?"

"Well I'd rather spend time enjoying ourselves than driving around looking for a space, taxis are a lot easier."

"Oh very well." She sighed.
Within a few moments, one was pulling up next to us.

"Oh I need to run an errand first." My mother directed the taxi and we spent the entire morning running errands with her. When she got out of the taxi at the third stop, we stayed in the vehicle and waited for her, hoping it would hurry her up.

"I'm so sorry about this Christian." I sigh.

"It's not your fault." He smiles reassuringly at me.

"That's all done. It's lunch time, let's go to this cafe."

"No. We're not hungry, we're going to madam Tussaud's." I am feeling angry now that she's spoiled our morning for no apparent reason and I've had enough.

"We need to eat." She protests.

"Then you can go and eat. We will not be." I order the taxi and we drive off.

I sigh and slump down in the back of the taxi, aware of Christian watching me closely.

"So your mom's a character." He says tentatively. I glace at him and begin to laugh at the understatement. He smiles and relaxes.

"I'm sorry again, our relationship is difficult to say the least. I'll get her to come back another day."

"Honey, I really don't mind spending the day with your mum. As long as I get the evening with you." He winks and grins. I feel like melting into his arms right now but I regain my composure and grab my phone to call my mother.

"Well that was rude." Was her answer.

"Yes it was rather wasn't it, I did say we had plans and you were welcome to join us, not to derail our entire day. We will be going for a quick lunch and we will meet you at madam Tussaud's in one hour if you would like to join us, if not then we can arrange to meet another day." I say in a firm voice, not entirely feeling as confident as I sound.

"No that won't do, I have more errands to run still, you can come with me and rearrange your museum visit for another day." I see Christian's jaw drop open when he hears this. I had the foresight to put the call on speakerphone to show him just what she is like.

"No I won't be doing that mum, we've had this planned and I'm not cancelling now."

"Well fine, you can join me for dinner instead then. I'm meeting some dear friends and it's important to me that you come along."

"No, I am not free this evening mother." My voice gets stern and formal and she seems to sense the change. I am fed up now and not in the mood to be bossed around by her. "If you would like to make plans with me then you need to call or text me in advance, I often have plans already and especially turning up at the last minute just isn't going to work for me. I tried to include you in the plans I already had even though you were intruding on a date but you tried to change my entire day around. I'm not going to be accepting this anymore." I can feel myself shaking in anxiety and stress and it seems Christian can too as he puts his hand on mine to still it.

"We shall discuss this the next time I visit." She snapped at me and hung up.

"I need to get my locks changed." I groan and without hesitation call a locksmith, arranging for them to come within the hour. Andy's at home and I call him to ask if he'd sort it out for me to which he agreed and I was able to relax a little again.

"Now you can relax and try to enjoy our afternoon." Christian smiled at me, his lovely kind stunning smile and I lose myself for a moment in his eyes before grabbing him and kissing him passionately.

"Shame we can't just go back to mine now." I chuckle at his surprised and turned on expression when I break away.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now