19. The day after the wedding

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I wake the next morning in my bed and realise I'm alone as my hand doesn't find Christian and the events of yesterday all come flooding back to me.
The wedding. Christians proposal. And what happened after.
I groan in annoyance, I had wanted their wedding to be perfect and it had been unnecessarily spoiled.

I drag myself to sit up in bed and reach for painkillers on my bedside table and the light sparkles off my hand, off my stunning engagement ring. I grin at the sight of it, of course I'd said yes!
A moment later Christian walks in with a tray full of breakfast for us both, catching me admiring my ring, he grins delighted.

"I'm glad you like it." He chuckles and slides into bed next to me.

"I really do, you have excellent taste."

"Well I shall admit that Andy helped me choose, he knew exactly what you'd like." I laugh at this, I'd helped Tuc pick Andy's ring too. Feels like an eternity ago.

"Do you think they're ok? I wish I could've stopped all that drama." I frown, worrying about my friends.

"I think they're ok, the good memories will outweigh the bad, and there really was nothing you could've done honey." Christian strokes my arm reassuringly and I nod unconvinced.

Tuc's dad had shown up absolutely wasted. He'd screamed at Tuc and Andy about this being sinful and how they were going to hell and then at his wife for leaving him for sinful reasons.

I'd gotten so angry that I'd physically rugby tackled him out of the building before anyone could do anything. I'd then chastised the security for not doing their job properly and demanded they stay by the doors and prevent him re-entering. And then I'd gone back to calm and reassure the grooms and Tuc's mom.

Thankfully they seemed to be able to enjoy their evening still and as angry as I was that he'd gotten in and done that, I was relieved they didn't seem to dwell on it and enjoyed their day.
I needed to speak with them about a restraining order today but I'd already spoken to my solicitor and started the process for them, Tuc needed to speak with them himself though.

"Stop dwelling on things you can't control." Christian commanded and I break out of my thoughts and turn to look at him.

"Ok." I chuckle amused.

"Tell me what type of wedding you want."

"Well what about you? What type of wedding do you want?"

"Deflecting won't work this morning." He smirks, "I want to hear what you want."

"Honestly Christian, besides keeping it small, I wouldn't want a huge one like yesterday but other than that I honestly have no real preferences."

"Ok, im glad you said small because that's my only preference too." He laughs, "we'll have to go to some wedding fairs and get some ideas."

"Yeah sounds good. Andy has SUCH a specific idea, he knew exactly what he wanted for their wedding so we didn't really do any of that stuff for them."

"It was good to meet your brother and his family, I hope they liked me." He's sat up and leaning back on the headboard looking incredible, my fiancé.

"Are you kidding? They loved you." I move the tray off the bed onto the floor and climbing into his lap.

"Good." His face lit up and I'm not sure if it's from the fact my family like him or the fact I've climbing into his lap and am rocking my hips back and forward on him.

"My sister really liked you too, she's invited us over for lunch next weekend."

"Sounds good." I mumble as I drag kisses up his neck and throat.

"I can't wait to call you my wife." I feel his grin and then find myself thrown backwards onto the bed, quickly followed by my future husband's body covering mine. Damn, this man is hot!

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