20. Looking to the future

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(A/N: Thank-you so much for reading this story, I actually didn't expect anyone to read it so the fact it's got almost 2k views is amazing! This is the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!)

2 years later.

"Today is the day." I grin at Christian who is already awake and gazing at me with love.

"Any last minute anxiety?" He chuckles, knowing my answer.

"Of course not." I sit up to kiss him and enjoy the fact that in a few short hours we will be celebrating our daughter's first birthday.

"Everything has been micromanaged to the very last detail Mrs Borle so you can relax today." He chuckles, pulling me into his lap and I move my legs to straddle him.

"Are you ever going to call me anything else ever again?" I laugh, nibbling on his ear.

"Nope. Although I know how you like me calling you honey so perhaps just those two." He grins and I move to kiss him, overwhelmed with love for my husband.
We've only been married a couple of months and Christian has only called me Mrs Borle ever since the ceremony which was a small one but stunningly beautiful with just Andy, Tuc, Liliana, my brother and his family, Christian's sister and her family and his mom. My mum had tried to show up like Tuc's dad had done but Andy was on watch and I didn't even know about it until the next day.

"Mmmm." I all I can manage as he deepens the kiss, sliding me off him and laying his body over mine.

"Laura!" I hear a yell and we jump apart in panic.

"What?" I jump up and run out wondering what's gone wrong.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to panic you Mrs Borle." Andy smirks at my half dressed state before continuing.

"Lily really doesn't want to wear her outfit." He threw his hands up in resignation and frustration.

"Oh my god Andy, is that all? I thought someone was dying with the panicked yell!"

"Sorry." He looks a little sheepish, "she just wants her mummy."

"And neither of her daddy's could cajole the 1 year old into an outfit?" I laugh.

"Tuc tried his best, he even tried to bribe her with cake." He covered his eyes and I laugh.

"Dadda!" Liliana is lightening fast at crawling now and she makes a dash for my bedroom, knowing Christian will be in there.

"Hello sweetheart." I hear him picking her up and my heart swoons as it always does when I see him with her, walking towards us.

"Dadda!" She gave a cute giggle.

"Come on Missy, time to get dressed." I put my arms out to her and she almost jumps into my arms.
"Relax, I got her." I kiss Andy's cheek and shifting Lily onto my hip, I pause to give my husband a kiss that makes his knees go week before I leave him with a smirk and I go to dress up my baby girl.

It takes an hour for us all to be ready and the caterers and decorators had arrived early to set up, our joint living area looking very pink and baby friendly.
We'd converted our flats, bought out the space in the middle and put joining doors in so we had a family living space for all 5 of us as well as our own private spaces.

Guests soon started to arrive and presents piled up. Andy stands up to give a speech and everyone quiets down to listen.

"Firstly thank-you so much for coming to our daughter's birthday, it's amazing to see so many of our friends and families come together to support our unusual family." A light chuckle ripples through the room before he continues. "Laura has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and when Tuc and I began to talk about having a baby, she was the first to volunteer to carry our child. The more we talked about it and the more real the pregnancy got, the more we all realised we didn't want to raise this child without her and Christian so now Liliana is lucky enough to have 3 daddies and a mummy and our family is incredible." He ushered us all to join him and we did, everyone started taking photos of the 5 of us, more to add to the already plastered wall of photos.

"Thank-you Andy, I agree. Our family is the best thing I could have ever asked for, two best friends I can rely on for anything, a husband who is the love of my life and a daughter I wasn't expecting but who just completes us. And all of our extended family just means that our child has so many more people who love her." I grin at them all and we embrace our family. I'm so lucky!

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