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"Do I need to get changed for this mystery date?" I ask as we get into Christian's car.

"No, you look stunning as you are." He smiles and looks over at me, lust in his eyes and I blush under his gaze.

"How about telling me where we're going?"

"Ok, we're going to the botanical gardens and then somewhere unusual for dinner."

"Unusual?" I am intrigued.

"Wait and see." He grins. We drive for a short distance and park in an overnight car park.

"We'll get a taxi at the end of the evening, saves us worrying about drinking." He smiles and I'm glad he thought of this. We have a lovely three hours walking through the gardens, relaxed and chatting none stop. We have so much in common, I'm amazed at how much I like spending time with this man.

We then head to a dinner at a beautiful restaurant and the meal is lovely but it's the show and the dancing afterwards that wins my heart. We dance for hours, he's an incredible dancer too, I'm exhausted keeping up with him. He's spun me around the dance floor, dipped me and held me close. It's been perfect.

"Setting the bar high with date one Christian." I smirk as we climb in a taxi, it's only a couple of blocks but he wants us to be safe.

"Got to start strong when the woman is as incredible as you." He makes me blush and an idea pops into my head.

"I actually have an idea for our next date. If you want one that is."

"Is that even a question?" He chuckles and leans over to kiss me, only a very quick and light one but it's enough to set my skin on fire with lust.

His eyes are on me as if he's trying to read what I'm thinking from my reactions.

"We're here." The driver interrupts before I can speak. I'm quick out of the car and walking up the stairs without waiting for him. I know he will follow. I need a minute to gather my thoughts. I wasn't anticipating moving this fast or having feels this strong so soon.

"Hey slow down. What just happened? Talk to me." Christian comes racing after me once he's paid the taxi.

I reach my door just as he catches up to me.

"Laura. Please stop." He catches my arm and halts me.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to catch my breath, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed suddenly." I'm honest with him, I can't help but be honest with this man, it's like he can see right into my soul when he looks at me.
He looks concerned but doesn't move away, brushing hair from my face behind my ear.

"I understand. I've had a moment like that myself truth be told. Whatever this is between us, it's growing fast."

"Yes, very." I feel the heat growing between us again, even his gentle touch on my cheek is driving me crazy but we need to finish this conversation.

"How do you feel?" He asks me.

"I really like you."

"I really like you. I can see myself falling fast and hard for you in the not too distant future."

"So can I, for you. I worry this is a lot for a first date."

"There's no set rules for how dating should go honey." Christian smiled and I moan out loud, him calling me honey has melted my brain and I'm operating on hormones alone now. I wrap my arms around his neck and knock him back into the door with the force as I kiss him passionately.

"Shit." He gasps and twists us around so my back is against the door and one of his arms is caging me in, the other around my waist, holding me against him.

"Get a room." Andy's teasing voice yelled across the hall as he and Tuc arrived home. We broke apart laughing and I fished my keys out, opening the door.

"Good night Andy, Tuc." I blew them kisses before grabbing hold of Christian's shirt, pulling him in after me and slamming the door behind us. I can hear the laughter of our friends as I lock the door and turn to see Christian's face, he's beaming at me, looking like he's won the lottery.

"I am gonna blow your mind." He smirks at me, picking me up and carrying me to my bedroom. I grin delighted and kiss his neck as he carries me away.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now