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"Good Morning." Andy grins salaciously when he sees me. It is was about an hour and a half since I'd woken up, we'd had sex again in the shower, this time with him lifting me up and impaling me against shower wall. That man is incredible.

"Morning. Sleep well on the sofa?" I try to deflect but I know he's not going to let this go.

"Actually I did. Didn't think I'd bought that sofa for no reason did you." He laughs, "more to the point, I heard you this morning. And last night."

"Shit. Sorry." I cringe embarrassed.

"Don't be sorry, tell me everything."

"Maybe not everything." Christian smirked in amusement as he came in the room.

"Well good morning." Andy is beaming in delight as Christian wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck. God damn, why does my stomach have to keep doing flips whenever he's close. It's incredibly distracting!

"Yes!" He exclaims and throws his arms around us both.

"You and Tuc have a bet or something?"

"No. I'm just happy my two besties are happy. I call dibs on both best man and maid of honour." He laughs as he turns away to pour coffee.

"Where are we going tonight?" I ask to change the subject.

"Are you two going on a date? I hope it's not too early cos we've been invited out for lunch, all of us. Tuc's family is in town, they want to talk wedding plans with us and they means you two and coming along. Your my best woman after all." He informs us of our plans.

"Yeah that's ok Andy, we can do that. Tuc's mum likes me."

"Yeah thats cos you're the daughter in law she always wanted." He scoffed, mild annoyance showing.

"True." I laugh, " come on, she likes you too." I poke his ribs, jovially.

"Well I don't care, she can like me or hate me, either way she's stuck with me." He smirks and I laugh.

"Lunch with the parents it is then." Christian laughed, "and then we're going out." He looked pointedly at me and I nod agreeably.
"Good girl." He grins, puts his hands on my cheeks, leaned in as if to kiss me but stopped just short, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Kiss me." He ordered. Shit, this is hot.
I obey him instantly but he keeps the kiss light and gentle. He moves his hands from my face, slides them slowly down my arms and wraps them around my waist, he nudges my legs apart with his and leans me back against the counter, forcing me to slide my feet forward so I'm almost sat on one of his legs that is between my legs. Jesus Christ, what is this man doing to me. I'm just letting him do whatever he wants with me. And Andy is stood right there watching. He deepens the kiss and my mind turns to mush. I manage to suppress a moan before it escapes. I need to get my head screwed on before lunch. He stops kissing me but stays standing where he is. I look into his eyes in a daze.

"Hmmm. Well..." I am lost for words.

"Well?" He smirks, seemingly pleased at how his actions distract and disorient me.

"Well we'd better get ready for lunch." I regain some of my composure and push my body up against his, looping my arms around his neck and kissing him back, putting all my passion and desire into that kiss. After a few moments I pull back and grin at the look at lust on his face. I slide sideways away from him and catch Andy's look of astonishment and amusement as I leave to get changed.

Seduced by Christian Borle 18+Where stories live. Discover now