Finale Pt. 1

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Months go by, your endeavors continue on and on. Your stream is successful, very successful actually. You focus on collabing with as many creators as possible from the scene, mostly playing Valorant.

You've found the drive to finally thrive, to finally stand out. And it shows, especially when you get a notice from your boss, Nadeshot.

"Y/n, we at 100T have noticed your increasing success making content under our brand name. At this point, having you as a Media Director seems like a waste of your time as well as ours. That is why we'd like to restructure your contact, making you an official content creator of 100Thieves.

Starting tomorrow, you will no longer be obligated to come into work or onto set to help out on the podcasts or anything. Going forward, we hope this change will give you extra opportunities to grow and thrive as a creator.

Good Luck,


Joyous and overwhelmed, you couldn't help but share this news with someone. First to come to mind was your mother, who picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Hello? Honey?"

"Hey ma..."

"Hey. Everything okay?"

"Everything's great. That's why I'm calling actually..."

"Okay. What's going on?"

"100Thieves basically gave me a promotion. So, now I can focus on streaming more."

"That's amazing. But you won't be doing anymore directing?"

"Not really."

"Isn't that your dream?"

"I guess... I don't know. I think streamings for the best now, and it's got a lot more upside. Should make way for new opportunities to be able to direct at a professional level"

"That sounds great, honey. I'm proud of you. I gotta head to work, but just know that I love you!"

"I love you too, ma. Talk to you later..."

And with that, you hang up the phone, turning it off. You slide it back down into your pocket when you realize you forgot to call Rae as well.

You ring her up but she doesn't answer for a moment. Eventually she does, but it took a second.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Rae, have you heard the news?" You ask.

"I can't think of anything, no."

"Matt messaged me... I guess streaming was a good idea after all." You joke.

"Yeah? I-"

"Yeah they want me to go at content creation full time!" You cut her off, accidentally of course.

"That's great, y/n. I actually have to-"

"I know I-"

"Y/n. Can we talk about this later. I have a lot I gotta do today. I'm happy for you, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. I'll talk to you later then. Love you."

"Love you" she says, hurried.

Weird. She's always been a workaholic, but she usually was a bit more patient. Wouldn't be fair to hold that against her though.

Continuing on with your day, and then with the week following, your stream gains even more momentum, especially with recent tweets from 100T brand accounts announcing your switch and promoting you.

Two Lone Artists (Male Character x 100T Girls and more)Where stories live. Discover now