Bio part 2

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Name: Alexis Ryusei

Name: Alexis Ryusei

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Age: 12

Personality: Kind, Cheerful, Helpful, Caring

Likes: Her family, friends, having fun, Digimon, Digimon battles, Helping out others, her Digimon partner Meicoomon

Dislikes: Bad guys, Evil Digimon, arrogant people, Zane's pranks, Tygren, evil tamers, Digimon hunters

Digimon Partner/ Sister: Meicoomon

Digimon Partner/ Sister: Meicoomon

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Love interest: Max Kazuto

Alexis's Backstory: Alexis is Max's childhood friend

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Alexis's Backstory: Alexis is Max's childhood friend. Alexis and her Digimon Partner Meicoomon both share a strong bond and just like Max and Gammamon Alexis and Meicoomon both treat each other like sisters.

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