Chapter 4: The Ice tamer in town

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Two crooks and their Digimon partners were running away from two certain people.

Crook 1: Are they still on our tail?!

Crook 2 looked to his friend.

Crook 2: How am I supposed to know if they are still there?!

That's when the floor was turned to frozen ice and the two crooks and their Digimon partners slipped. They all groaned as they both a boy and his Digimon partner that resembles an ice dragon standing before them. They shuddered in fear. The boy's name is Rex Akabe and his digivolve partner's name is Paledramon.

Rex: Paledramon make sure they don't escape.

Paledramon: With pleasure.

Paledramon breathes an ice breath at them and sees the police on their way as they arrest the two crooks and their Digimon partners.

Rex and his Digimon partner Blucomon then walked away from the scene with mission done.


Max, Alexis, Gammamon, and Meicoomon were telling their friends about the hunter they encountered at the park.

Lincoln: Sounds like he's going to be trouble if we meet him again.

Ronnie Anne: Agreed.

Daniel and Guilmon came to the hideout.

Daniel: Hey guys did you hear the news?

Gammamon: (curious) What news?

Guilmon excitedly answered Gammamon's question.

Guilmon: (excited) We're getting new friends!

Max and the others were excited to these new friends are excited to meet their new friends at school as they headed to school.

Teacher: Alright class settle down. Today we have a new student who is also a tamer.

That's when the student and a small blue dragon walked in the classroom.

Teacher: Would you both like to introduce yourselves?

Student: The names Rex Akabe and this is my Digimon partner Blucomon.

After the introduction Rex and Blucomon got along well with the students. Max wonders if Rex and his Digimon partner Blucomon would want to join their team. 

Everyone was walking home since school is over. Rex and Blucomon then sees Max and his friends along with their Digimon partners waiting for them.

Gammamon and his friends then came up to Blucomon with smiles on their faces.

Gammamon: (smile) Hi there I'm Gammamon.

Meicoomon:( smile) Nice to meet you Blucomon my names Meicoomon.

Guilmon: I'm Guilmon.

Renamon: I'm Renamon.

Blucomon smiled at his new friends.

Blucomon: (smile) It's nice to meet you all.

Rex:(smile) I agree with Blucomon it's also nice to meet you guys as well Max.

Max then decided to ask both Rex and his Digimon partner Blucomon something.

Max: Hey Rex i wanted to ask you something.

Rex was curious of what Max wants to ask him.

Rex: (curious) What is it?

Max: Me and my friends were wondering if you and your partner wanted to join our team?

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