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Jay was escorted to a room and took a seat on the bed so Maggie could remove knife

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Jay was escorted to a room and took a seat on the bed so Maggie could remove knife. It wasn't deep nor was it life threatening but it did mean that Jay would have to wear a sling because it hit his shoulder.

"Take this straight to testing." Ordered Maggie as she handed the knife over.

"We literally have Amelia in custody." Said Hannah.

"Yeah but she's not talking." Added Brandon as he took a seat on the stall.

"Thanks, Jay." Smiled Hannah.

"I tried." He sighed and looked down.

"Who do you owe?" Asked Hank as he came in and leant on the door frame.

"No one. The guy must have me confused with someone else."

"That's not something you just confuse." Said Antonio.

"Where the hell have you been?" Snapped Hank as he grabbed him by his jacket.

"Keeping my distance."

"So you should." Snapped Jay.

"Have we missed something?" Asked Kevin.

"Yeah." They both snapped.

As Jay was getting his shoulder stitched up, a nurse walked past with an ipad and was talking to Ethan. Jay immediately stood up and ran out the door, following where the nurse was going.

"Is that about Taylor? Is she awake?"

"I've got this," Said Ethan and dismissed the nurse. "Yes, Jay. She is out of surgery. I was on my way to tell the group."

"Can I see her?"

"Jay, get your ass back in here now. Maggie hasn't finished your shoulder and it needs to be clean of poison." Called Will as he stepped out of the room.

Jay looked back at him before following Ethan to the waiting room.

"Taylor?" Asked Ethan and everyone stood up.

"She will be okay. She's not awake yet and probably won't be for a few hours, so I suggest you go home. That is our polite way of telling you all to leave please. I know you want to see her but she'll be okay and will still be here in the morning."

"Got it." Sais Brandon and ordered everyone to head home or to the hotel that some of the people were staying in.

"You too, Jay."

*Jay's Pov*

"What?" I asked and took a step forward.

"Okay, guys. Let's all chill. Everyone is heading home."

"No. I'm staying."

"No, Jay. You're not."

"Will, you don't want to test me right now." I said as I sat down on the bed to let Maggie finish my shoulder.

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