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The training uniforms were uncomfortable and itchy. It was slightly too big and I had to constantly adjust my shirt to not sit uncomfortably around my shoulders. Somehow the seams kept on digging into my underarms in an uncomfortable manner. 

"Alright, this will be your training grounds for the next three days," a woman with a frizzy tight bun spoke up, her dark glowing skin made her look just a bit more sophisticated on top of her uniform which was similar to ours. She looked professional in a formal sense, while still looking like a trained athlete, "once the three days has passed you'll have your final evaluation and then the next step for you will be the TV interviews before the games start."

"Four days," Andrew murmured and I nodded quietly as I started picking at my lips.

"Now, whether or not you want to use your training time here is up to you," the woman assured and glanced around at us with a look that told everything we needed to know.

Did you not train here you could expect a bad evaluation and almost immediate death once in the arena.

"I'll be available for personal training a total of two hours per day. Train however much you want," the woman continued, "if you need me, call for me. Sylvia."

With that the woman, Sylvia, clapped her hands and it seemed like everyone sort of snapped out of the trance she held one in. One by one each tribute wandered off to find their sepciality or the thing they hoped to find speciality in.

Almost immediately Andrew had rushed over to grab an axe of some sort and practice throwing with it. He wasn't hitting any of the targets really, and was probably quite a danger had the targets not been against a wall. Yet, I understood why he had gone for that training. 

The Palvin's was the family that was in charge of ensuring that the entirety of District Thirteen had enough firewood to keep production going. We, of course, didn't get any of the coal that District Twelve mined - that was all sent to the Capitol to distribute. What we got in District Thirteen was left over wood from District Seven. Either because it was rotten, useless or any other thing that caused for the Capitol to not want it.

"Go over to identify the plants," a voice whispered from beside me and I quickly snapped my head around, "you look like a lost puppy and an easy target when you stand here like that," Jungwon excused and I quickly closed my mouth before just nodding quietly, "that's your strength, isn't it? Knowing plants and their benefits."

"You should be training," I remarked and he nodded quietly before crossing his arms over his chest and glancing around at the other tributes.

"I should. But I find it necessary to build alliances as well before we enter the games. I want you to stay alive, and for that you need to train some skill, don't you?" Jungwon questioned and I pursed my lips before eventually frowning, "I saw it as given that you and I were allied."

"We're not from the same district," I reminded him and he only shrugged.

"I have my reasons for wanting to keep you alive," he excused with a small smile, "despite how we got mad at each other last night."

"A bit early to decide on alliances, don't you think?" I questioned and glanced him up and down.

"Take it into consideration," he shrugged, "you'd be surprised at how many already have alliances. Even your little district fellow over there has gone behind your back."

"What?" I murmured as Jungwon started walking backwards toward the combat dolls a bit away.

"Utah, the little girl from Three and Kamden from Eleven," Jungwon casually excused before turning around and continuing his approach towards the combat dolls.

I kept my eyes on Jungwon for a bit as he grabbed one of the dolls and pulled it away from the wall. His face was completely stone hard, no expression as he glanced around at the other tributes as if he was already planning their death in his head.

Eventually I did look away and found my way to the plant section. It was almost as if they had planted a small forrest inside the training cellar. I didn't do much inside the small plantation, I just observed. Trying to figure out how I was best off for the evaluation.

If the plantation was a hint of the arena it could give me a sense of what to prepare for anyways. The only thing was that it had Teak trees, fairly durable and sturdy - would be good for building things, possibly weapons as well. But they grew in warm climates. See, that wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't because there were Eranthises in the plantation as well. Slightly poinsonous winter flower. It was quite harsh when it came to living conditions, but they surely didn't grow during the warmer seasons - if anything they grew in the winter and merely survived some time into the warmer seasons.

The first instinct was to tell Andrew, but once I turned around and noticed his chatting with the boy from District Eleven I was quite quick to decide against that. If he was getting allies behind my back, then so was I behind his.

I would have to find a point where I could pull Jungwon to the side and inform him of my theory about the arena.

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