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With an imidiate escort we had been heavily shadowed by guards towards the shady train station that had been built up in District Thirteen. It barely even looked finished and made the large and luxurious looking train stand out even more than it needed to. No one had followed after us to the train station, only some family of Andrew and I had followed along, but not many. My mom and brother standing in the eager crowd, waving arms and yelling after me while peace keepers rushed us onto the train.

The train was rumbling along its tracks in an uncomfortable manner that almost made me sick to my stomach. Never had I experienced so subtle motion underneath my feet and I was sure it was doing something to my digestion - yet I didn't let it show as I sat still in my chair. Would you believe it? It even has a cusion on the seat, it was quite soft to sit on, like sitting on the moss out in the forest.

Beside my chair stood another equally as velvetty and deep emerald green as my own, only this one was occupied by Andrew. My fellow tribute. 

"I'm Venus Banks, but you probably already knew that," the glamourous reaping man happily chuckled to himself - swirling a glass of golden-like liquor in one hand while his eyes drifted back and forth between Andrew and I. Almost expecting us to confirm his suspision.

"I actually didn't... no," I murmured and his eyes almost widened immediately and he turned his head slowly to look at me. He almost seemed appaled. Well, he probably was.

"No?" Venus questioned and I could only purse my lips in reply.

"No one cares for names in Thirteen," Andrew backed up, tracing the carvings on the arm rest of his chair, "why would it matter when we're all prosecuted for the same things anyways. We're just prisoner one, two, three, you keep going yourself."

"You're not prosecuted," Venus gasped.

"But we are," Andrew sighed and folded his hands in his lap, interlacing his fingers as he looked up towards Venus with a stern look on his face, "we're all trapped in a working camp due to something our grandparents participated in. Our parents were only kids at the time. We're serving time for something we did not do nor wish to associate with. In fact the Capitol would probably find it easier to just bomb us under the ground yet again, but they don't because what uprising won't that cause?" 

Venus watched him with squinted eyes, sipping delicately from his glass before eventually starting to chuckle. A smirk growing on his face before the sound accompanied his amused look. He found it funny.

"You're a great speaker. That will do you great in the interview session with Augustus Truman," Venus grinned, showing off a neat set of pearly white teeth, "now you... mute," Venus turned his head and looked over at me, "we need to find a way to get you to talk... louder even."

"I do speak," I remarked and his eyebrows raised in what looked like fake surprise, "but only to people I find worthy of my time."

"You'll find Augustus Truman worthy, I assure you. His interview is what determines for how long you live," Venus reminded as if it was only natural that this Augustus Truman held all of my future in his hands.

"Isn't our mentor supposed to help us with that?" Andrew questioned, "we have one winner... that one guy."

"Jason McCormack was an unsuspecting winner, the victory cost him his freedom, that is common knowledge," Venus excused, "at least in the Capitol..."

"Yeah well, we aren't from the Capitol. We need a mentor. The other tributes have their mentors, we have none. We are already set back enough," Andrew raised his voice slightly.

"Jason McCormack is in detention at the Capitol for his plans of another uprising caused by insanity!" Venus yelled back before quickly composing himself yet again as if nothing happened.

Something told me he was slightly unstable. Probably just as unstable as Jason was claimed to be.

"And so will we if we win," Andrew declared and Venus laughed as he shook his head.

"No of course not," Venus laughed, "McCormack is in detention because he wanted to create an uprising once again. The doctors said that the games had derranged him too much and were speaking incoherently about an uprising. You will return to Thirteen if you win... that is... unless you want to go in detention with a plan of uprising."

"I'm going to bed," I murmured quietly and stood up from my chair - leaving the room with no other words to spare.

"An odd one, isn't she?" Venus' voice managed to reach me just before the sliding door closed behind me.

It was with heavy and dragging steps that I forced myself to move all the way down to the sleeping quarters. I wasn't planning on sleeping, I needed peace and quiet. Just enough to prepare me for my soon to come inevitable death.

The only benefit of having been reaped as a tribute was a bed. Soft and cushiony, clean scented covers. That was where I found myself after having gotten into my small room on the train. Diving down deep between pillows and duvets. Just as soft as the moss growing on the forest floor, just a few meters to the South of where Jungwon and I had our tree root cover.

Of course, Jungwon.

We hadn't seen each other in a week and we were supposed to meet up once the games were over. I guess I never had a meeting I needed to show up to then. He would find out through the mandatory watching of the Games in the districts. How would he react once he saw the reaping from Distirct Thirteen? 

Would they air how few kids we were standing around? Would they show how no one knew who I was before the girls around me stepped away as if they would be the one that had to go into the games if they stood too close to me for a longer period of time?

How would they show my reaping? Will they show how confidently I held my head high when I walked to the concrete stage?

At least he could be proud of me for that.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now