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My ears were ringing as I rolled onto my back and panted from the stress. It wasn't as much of the running that had made me lose my breath, it was mostly just the panic of seeing the boy from District Nine come running towards me.

"Are you alright?" Pedro gasped as he crawled down from his tree and limped over to me, "are you there?"

"I'm fine," I whispered with a small nod and held up the bag with number five on it, "your bag."

"I hope it's food," Pedro gasped and grabbed the bag, immediately opening it and pulling out a container identical to the one Jungwon and I had gotten soup in.

"Soup," I nodded quietly and slowly sat up.

"Andrew from Nine stepped on a landmine," Pedro admitted and I slowly nodded, "I didn't even know they still were active."

"It might've not gotten deactivated," I murmured and rubbed my face in my hands as I looked down at the two bags I had gotten, "fate would just have it that he was unlucky enough."

Somewhere the canon went off two times. Probably once for Andrew and one for Olivia. I sighed quietly and rubbed my face quietly once again as I watched Pedro slurp away his soup.

"Did you find your friend?" Pedro questioned and nodded to bag number twelve.

"Yeah... he's sick," I whispered with a small nod, "I was hoping it would be medicine for him that would be in the bag."

"You should go back to him," Pedro pointed out and I nodded quietly as yet another canon went off. Three within just an hour, "Each night I was hoping none of you would be shown on the sky."

"Why?" I chuckled queitly and he let out a small shrug.

"If I can't win, then I hope you two do," he pointed out and I nodded quietly, "perhaps you can stop these games from ever happening again," he excused and I shook my head quietly.

"If we try they might create District Fourteen for even more political prisoners," I reminded with a small laugh and he chuckled in agreement.

"I broke my foot," he admitted quietly, "I just wanted a good meal before I would die... I'm glad you got it for me."

"Crawl up in a tree again. You've been safe in those," I reminded him and he immediately nodded in agreement.

"I will, if I can," he nodded and looked up at the tree he had come from, "you can keep the knife if you promise you and your friend will win."

"We're trying," I nodded at him with a small smile and finally managed to get myself up on my feet while Pedro drank the rest of his soup, "do you need help to get up again?"

"No..." he shook his head and looked around himself, "I'll be alright," he assured with a tired smile, "go and win this... for me at least."

"We'll see," I assured with a small smile and hauled the two bags over my shoulder as if I was some nightmarish Santa, "who knows? We might win it together."

"If not you and your friend, then we will," Pedro promised with a small nod and a wide grin, "now you should go."

I nodded and looked back to the water stream, deciding to follow it back. I waved and sent Pedro one last smile before starting my walk back towards the cave. For some reason the third canon had not worried me at all, neither did it worry me when a fourth canon went off. It did not affect me in any way. I was simply convinced that Jungwon was just fine back in our cave.

By the time I reached a point in the water run where the trees and bushes were all too familiar and recognizeable I turned around myself. I searched with my eyes for the small cliff side, finally spotting it where I was used to it being. 

I found myself grinning widely as I ran through the forest and over to the cave. Pulling the vines aside with a wide grin only to be met with a knife pointing straight at my face. Immediately my face fell and I looked to the owner of the knife.

"Well, at least I know you listened when I told you what to do this morning," I remarked and looked at a tired Jungwon, who immediately dropped his arm down and let out a hoarse sigh.

"I thought four canons was too much for you to get back," he excused and I chuckled in amusement as I hauled the two bags in and jumped up to sit on the edge myself, "it was almost half the tributes."

"And guess what? You're three people from winning," I pointed out with a small smile as I opened the bags, "how are you feeling?"

"Freezing and boiling at the same time," he murmured and laid his head back down onto the backpack. He must've moved it through the day to use as a pillow, "what's in the bags?"

"Food in Thirteen and..." I trailed off and rumaged through the twelve bag. Out I got a small box and a water bottle. The small box contained an exact amount of twelve pills, "antibiotics and water," I whispered with a small grin, "whatever Olivia was missing it sure came into our handy."

"What is it?" Jungwon frowned, not having heard me properly.

"Antibiotics," I grinned widely as he opened his eyes just a bit more to look at me for confirmation, "enough to get you through three more tributes... I'll give you antibiotics and continue using the cream from District Twelve to heal your wound. With a lot of hope and good luck you'll be better tomorrow."

Jungwon smiled slightly once he noticed how excited the small amount of antibiotics had gotten me. Shaking his head weakly in disbelief as he somehow managed to find a small hint of amusement in the situation.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now