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I had been able to get out of my pants myself and down into the water. Jungwon had insisted on looking into the forest as I got into the water and swam around. It was only after me insisting it was okay for him to look at me while I cleaned my wound that he actually dared to. But that was of course only after having told him so about seven times.

"Have you gotten all the blood away?" Jungwon questioned with a small frown, his half eaten apple hanging from his right hand.

"I've attempted to," I nodded and looked down at my arm as I placed my feet on the bottom of the small river I was bathing in.

"Can I take a look at it?" he offered and I immediately nodded.

I would've swam to him, but I had to simply walk across the river floor and avoid sharp stones whenever I could sense them under my feet. As I reached Jungwon I turned my shoulder to him and looked towards the forest. 

I kept on looking around eagerly, feeling like we were being watched. All the while Jungwon's fingers carefully brushed against the burning skin around my wound.

"We might need to stitch it up or wrap it up with something at least. Perhaps my jacket could do the job for now," Jungwon murmured quietly and I glanced back at him, giving him a small nod before looking back to the forest.

"Something's wrong," I whispered and he quickly looked over his shoulder, "I have a bad feeling. Something's off."

"Quiet," he muttered and listened closely as he continued staring at my shoulder, slowly he reached into his backpack and pulled something out. In his lap he let a small knife rest as he kept listening, "I don't think anything's there," he muttered.

"I feel watched," I admitted and kept looking around, even glancing to the sky as if it was going to be some bird hanging in the sky that was looking down at me.

In a quick flash the loud sound of a bush rustled and out came a girl running. Straight for Jungwon. I quickly panicked and reached up my arm to alert him, wincing the moment I realized it was my right arm. Immediately the wound started to burn and throb, but Jungwon had gotten my message. 

Bravely the girl had reached out and grabbed some of my clothes in her rush, Jungwon immediately getting up to run after her. He ran along the shore after her as I looked after them. 

In hope of being able to help I turned to swim back towards the remainder of my clothes. I didn't get far, before I had even gotten halfway back to my clothes I had been warned.

"One more move and I'll shoot," a boy spoke up and I looked up at the boy from Seven. By the shore he stood near my clothes, aiming a bow and arrow towards me.

"We can make a deal," I quickly offered and raised both my hands in the air, "you can keep my clothes and let me live."

"Only one will win," he snorted and tightened his grip on the arrow he had pulled back, "we need it for warmth."

"You're working with her. Who of you win?" I questioned and he only snorted.

"Regardless it'll be District Seven," he reminded and then it hit me. The girl who had snatched some of my clothes was the girl from district seven.

By now Jungwon and the girl was long gone and out of sight. I had no way of defending myself, trapped in the water and half naked. So after all I would be shown in my underwear on national television, surely this event was too good to leave out of the broadcast.

"Go on... shoot me," I urged and sucked in a deep breath, "you'll do the Capitol a favour. If you don't kill me surely the gamemakers will find another way to do so," I reminded with a small smile, "I'm from District Thirteen. We can't have a winner from Thirteen, can we? That would be distasteful. I was dead the moment my name was called out at the reaping."

The boy kept staring at me before letting go of the arrow. I flinched quickly but felt myself relax when I noticed the water beside me splashing. The sudden miss of the arrow was caused by a loud scream nearby. The boy had snapped his head to the sound the moment he had let go of the arrow and so I had I just seconds after. 

It was a girl screaming, calming me a bit more down after Jungwon had disappeared. When the screaming abruptly stopped it went silent as we waited. No canon. No one had died. At least not yet.

"Brian!" a scream cried out and the boy immediately reacted.

It was as if he had forgotten I was there and immediately set into a run. I kept an eye on his back before slowly reaching down into the water, fumbling about with my hand. The arrow he had shot must be nearby. I reached around and fumbled with sticks and stones. Eventually I found something that felt like wet feathers and pulled it up. At least we got an arrow for my clothes.

With the arrow in hand I rushed back towards my clothes and climbed up onto the shore. I used my jacket to dry me off a bit, pulling on my pants and looking at the ground with disappointment. Besides my jacket and pants the only thing left were my socks and boots. That girl from seven had stolen both my t-shirt and undershirt.

"Thank God he didn't hurt you," Jungwon breathed out, running out from the forest - the opposite direction of which he had run, "had I known they were two I wouldn't have run after her."

"He did try," I chuckled and held up the arrow, a small snicker making its way onto Jungwon's face, "did you get my shirt? I don't really want to walk around like this."

"She threw it somewhere in the forest," he sighed and shook his head, "you can have my t-shirt. I have an undershirt under it."

"Are you sure?" I questioned quickly when he was halfway out of his shirt.

"Yeah, yeah. It looks like you need it more," he snickered and extended it to me, standing in just his undershirt and pants. T-shirt extended towards me, "we should move out of the area. They're gonna be here for a while."

"What did you do?" I questioned and he only glanced at me as he packed up his backpack and I pulled on my boots, after having pulled on his shirt as well.

"Tackled her," he muttered, "stabbed her in the leg. I haven't killed anyone yet, but I fear the day that I have to."

"Where will we be going?" I whispered and he just shrugged glancing around before pointing down the river, away from the direction the girl and boy from District Seven had gone in, "do you have food?"

"What do you want? I have quite a lot of fruit," he offered.

"Anything, I just need at least two pieces of fruit," I sighed heavily and wrung out the exces water from my hair.

Jungwon quickly dug into his backpack and pulled out a pear and an apple. I quickly shoved the pear into my pant pocket and started munching on the apple. Walking beside Jungwon down along the river.

"We'll take a look at that wound when we find a place to settle for the night," he reminded and I nodded quietly.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now