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In the far end of the Cornucopia, where it was narrow and slim, somehow the rest of our allies had managed to snuggled up together. After the death announcement of the day and it had been made clear that we had lost two allies through the day - Konon and Marianne, the rest seemed to be visibly down. This had led to Jungwon volunteering to stay awake for the entire night to keep a watch out. 

I had attempted to sleep early on in the night, laying down in the group of tributes at the end of the Cornucopia. However, it had soon become very evident for me that I would be unable to sleep without Jungwon's warmth near me - something about it was simply different from the rest of the tributes. I just couldn't explain exactly what was different.

My lack of ability to sleep had led me to quietly remove myself from the group of sleeping tributes and quietly crawl out to the opening of the Cornucopia. Not too close though, the sand outside was still damp from the rain that had fallen earlier. Just as acidic as the rain that had burned Lin's hand (we had tested it by throwing a piece of cloth out into it, which we had ripped from Heeseung's left sleeve).

"Won?" I murmured and he immediately hummed as I sat down beside him. Sending me a small smile as he glanced up at me while I sat down.

"Couldn't sleep?" he questioned gently and I immediately shook my head, "so you've come to entertain me."

"I just... I keep thinking," I waved it off and hugged my knees up to my chest, just like he had done.

"About what?" he turned his head to look at me and I threw a quick glance over my shoulder to look towards our allies. Checking if they really were sleeping.

"Can we really trust them?" I whispered and he quickly flickered his eyes down towards our tributes before looking back at me again.

"Venus and Marianne said we could," he shrugged and I hummed as I looked back at the allies.

"But we don't know them," I reminded.

"They don't know each other either."

"But they do. Three of them have been in the games and mentored alongside one another for years. The other three is connected to the other's through their family members. Sunoo and Sunghoon both know Soomin from home. Xia is Lin's sister. Lin, Soomin and Heeseung all have been mentoring together for at least two years and developed a friendship through that," I quickly listed, "we're newcomers. Why would they help us in here?"

"Because we're the symbol they've been waiting for," Jungwon reminded calmly as he looked back out of the Cornucopia again, "they're able to take advantage of what we've done and what we feel to get the uprising they want. Just like the Capitol profited on us. The only ones who haven't gotten anything from our victory is us really."

"We got winnings," I reminded and he let out a small snort.

"A house that's so big it feels empty and soulless and which I impossibly could ever discover every room of. Money to spend in a district that couldn't care less about that, because it is that poor. I was promised to never even go back near the arena and I'm back in it, fighting for..." he sighed and clenched his fist for a second, "fighting for you to get out."

"I have already said multiple times that you are the one that needs to get out alive," I reminded and he shrugged.

"I don't care," he shortly replied, "If you're not getting out, then neither am I. I told Venus that too..."

"Told him what?" I frowned and he snickered slightly before looking over at me.

"That... whenever they manage to get us out, they had to save you too, regardless of how injured you may be. They had to treat you properly enough for you to survive, otherwise... they don't get their uprising," he shrugged, "I said I would keep you alive until then at least."

"You're an idiot," I reminded and he nodded quietly, simply agreeing before looking out towards the jungle.

As we stayed quiet I simply let my head fall down and lay on Jungwon's shoulder. A heavy sigh left his mouth before he laid his head down onto my own once again. Had I been counting I would've guessed it to be about 123 seconds that had passed between our quiet decision of silence and the canon going off. Jungwon flinched and I stopped breathing - just for a second.

"I won't ever be able to hear loud sounds after getting out of here," Jungwon declared and straightened up. I let my head continue to lay on his shoulder. I agreed, but I think he already knew that. I did not have to say anything to prove my agreement.

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