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Despite my constant worry last night I had managed to fall asleep somehow. Yet, it didn't seem that it was a good night's sleep I had gotten. My eyes felt puffy when I had opened them and I had struggled to actually open them.

"Jiyeon?" a voice whispered from the ground and I frowned before looking down towards it.

On the ground beneath the branch I sat on, Pedro stood with a small smile and something in his hands. Quietly he spread it out on the ground beside the tree trunk.

"I'm gonna go now," he called up, "I picked some berries this morning. You can take these when you decide to go on and find your friend. Keep the rope."

"Thank you," I muttered before looking down at him properly, "don't get killed, alright?" I questioned and he immediately nodded at me.

"I promised my sister I would come home," he assured with a small smile, "she'll be in the reaping too next year, but if I win she won't have to put her name in."

"Then let's hope you get out of here for her," I nodded quietly down at him.

Pedro grinned widely before continuing on his own way. I took a few more minutes for myself to wake up properly. Once I found it fitting for me to continue throughout the day I untied myself and quietly crawled down from the tree. While I took my time to wrap up the rope Pedro had let me keep I looked down at the bunch of berries he had picked.

To my and his luck it was just raspberries he had found. With a small smile I picked up the berries and started on my walk through the woods, the rope slung over my shoulder as I quietly walked along, listening for any danger nearby. All the while I quietly ate my raspberries and decided I should at least go for some water, if not the cold part of the arena.

Around the time the sun was hanging right in the middle of the sky, around midday, I had sensed the tempaerature getting colder around me. Perhaps I was on the right way after all. By then I was already thirsty and desperately hungry. Yet, I still seemed to be alerted at any sound around me.

A small rustle in a bush nearby had me jumping over behind the nearest tree. It was quite a big tree, but it wasn't going to hide me completely. It was still an attempt at least. I should've been payinng attention to the bush that had been rustling, but I didn't. I was too distracted by something on the ground.

By my feet small bright yellow flowers were blooming.

My mind went completely blank and I started walking. I followed the Eranthises and their trail. Sensing the cold air slowly encapsulate me. Somewhere, at the back of my mind, the echo of leave's rustling came once again.

I was on the ground.

Tackled as long as I was and pulled over onto my back. Sitting stradled over me a female face looked down at me with furry. She looked mad, she didn't look like herself at all. She was nowhere near the Kyra Averon from District Two I had seen in the training center. Something about her looked wild.

A small groan only came from her. She didn't even say a word. When she raised something above her head as I was able to squint against the sun and recognized a solid stick with a large rock securely tied to the stick.

When she brought it down towards my head I quickly held my arms up in defense and tried to fight her off. 

I was far too weak to actually fight her off, but I could only hope to fight back for long enough so that she got tired. The sudden pump of adrenaline in my veins had caused for me to not notice when and where she managed to hit me. I only knew I managed to shove her arms and hits away every once in a while. At some point she definitely was bleeding from her cheekbone and some rock had ended up clutched in my hand.

For each hit he gave me with her makeshift weapon I gave her one back with the sharp rock I had managed to find. It was nowhere near long or sharp enough to stab her or injure her fatally, but it did cut and bruise her just as much as she was managing to cut and bruise me.

"Alliance!" I tried to yell out in between heavy breaths and winces from getting hit, "Alliance! I know the arena!" I yelled out of pure desperation. It might be stupid to yell. I might even have attracted more tributes, but if I didn't I might still be lucky to escape with my life for a bit longer.

She didn't seem to either hear me or want to hear me. It almost seemed like she was deadset on killing me then and there, regardless of how long it would take her. That was at least until she abruptly stopped.

It didn't seem to be because of my words that she stopped, but something she had heard. Something standing behind me. Something that I could not see, but I could hear it. Somethnig was growling lowly, something animalistic.

Kyra looked to forget everything about what she had just been doing, and the fact that I was laying on the ground. She only scrambled to get up on her feet and look at whatever was growling with fear in her eyes. I was too exhausted, I wasn't gonna run. I just closed my eyes and heaved out a heavy breath as a loud bang went off in the distance. So someone had been killed while Kyra had attempted to add me to the calculation.

The bloodflow in my veins were so hurried and intense that a dull rhythm deafened my surroundings and made me unable to hear anything happening around me. By the time I had calmed down from my adrenaline high it dawned upon me that I had been laying on the ground for a considerable amount of time.

Kyra was gone and she was nowhere in sight. She was just gone. She wasn't the one that had died? Was she?

But so far three had died already. I knew one was the girl from District Four. I didn't know who had been killed tonight or who had been killed just a few moments ago. For all I know, any of the two unknown deaths could be Jungwon.

Even though I didn't know if he still was alive, I found myself being convinced that he was alive - as if I could feel it. With a hassle, due to my sudden soreness, I got up on my feet and started walking along the Eranthis trail once again. A throbbing pain attacking my right shoulder with every few steps. 

I walked for the remainder of the day. Just walking along the Eranthis trail. By the time the sun went down I had managed to ignore any injury pains I had and reached the edge of a new landscape. Ahead of me laid dunes upon dunes of snow. The only thing that interrupted the snow dunes was pine trees and rocks by a small water run.

I would first go in and wander in the ice landscape tomorrow. For now I would stay in the fall like temperatures I had walked in all day. Somehow I managed to find a tree and crawl up into it, tying myself to the tree and getting comfortable for the death announcements.

The girl from District Nine tuned up on the night sky after the national anthem. Her eyes looked sunked in on her picture and her mouth even looked unnaturally downturned. Yet, I remembered her. She was the youngest tribute. Just twelve. She didn't look to be twelve as she floated up on the night sky with such a depressed look on her face.

The second person who had died was Yusuf, the boy from District Ten. He was at least older than the girl from Nine, but he was still younger than me. I think Venus might've said he was fifteen when he was reaped but turned sixteen either the day we got into the arena or the day we reached the Capitol. I wasn't sure.
He was either fifteen or sixteen the day he died.

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