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Carda had not given me a dress of rope this time. She had found it unfitting for the occasion. She had simply claimed that a survivor should look as proud as they possibly could on a night like this, in front of the whole nation. Instead of giving me a dress she had given me a pair of wide legged, black pants and a nice top with a boat like neck on the front and back. It was a bright red colour, almost like blood. Carda had claimed it to be simple, yet elegant and strong enough.

I sat quietly in the waiting area, waiting for the interview to start. Constantly my leg bounced up and down as I anxiously waited around. It didn't make sense for me to not have seen Jungwon yet.

"And when he asks you about how you..." the voice trailed off faintly as a figure turned the corner and immediately looked at me with shock.

Jungwon had been clad in clothes similar to mine. His pants were black and his shirt red as well. He just stood in silence, starring at me from afar.

I didn't even hesitate. I was quick up on my feet and running towards him.

A look of relief washed over Jungwon's face as he widened his arms for me. I had almost jumped in them if it hadn't been for the immediate realization that he might still be in pain from his wound.

The moment my arms wrapped around Jungwon he let out a small laugh and immediately returned the tight embrace. Swaying us a bit from side to side as he pressed his head into the crook of my neck.

"It's alright. It doesn't hurt anymore," he whispered quietly, "next time you can jump."

"Don't promise me something you can't keep," I replied as I pulled away from him. A sickening smile adorning his face as he looked down at me.

We barely even got to say more to each other before we had been ushered up on stage to applause from the audience and to a very excited Augustus Truman. He could barely even remember to ask us to sit down beside one another as we got up on the stage.

"My, my, my. I have to admit, I never thought we would see starcrossed lovers in these games again," Augustus admitted with a small shake of the head, "I remember as a small child seeing the two lovers from District Twelve win the games. Don't you too?" he questioned the audience that immediately replied with a few cheers, "now promise me... you two won't go and start an uprising like they did."

"We promise," Jungwon quickly assured with a small nod, "we would have to work far too much for that," he excused and Augustus immediately laughed.

"Now... you must tell me... we viewers were left with a bit of a cliffhanger. I clearly remember the morning your love confessions was broadcasted and the whole gasp that went through the Capitol with that kiss," Augustus admitted and I glanced at Jungwon, who looked just as unsure as I did, "we need to know. What happens next?"

"We haven't had time to decide," I admitted quietly and looked over towards Jungwon, who shook his head quietly, "we're from two different districts... it's difficult."

"Difficult, indeed," Augustus hummed solemnly, "but let's imagine you weren't from two different districts, what would then happen?"

"An uprising, Augustus," Jungwon joked, immediately getting laughter from the whole room as I glanced over at him, "I'm just kidding," Jungwon waved it off and looked back at me, "I don't know... we... we haven't had the time to discuss it yet. I know what I want... but..."

"What do you want Jungwon?" Augustus immediately questioned with excitement written all over his face.

"Ideally she would go back to Twelve with me or I would go to Thirteen with her... we might not live in the same victor's house, but we would always live by each other. Spend most days together in some way. I don't really care how," Jungwon quietly admitted as I looked down towards the floor.

"And what about you, Jiyeon?" Augustus questioned and I finally raised my head to look at him.

"I don't know," I admitted quietly, "I just want to go back home and spend my time with Jungwon. I haven't given it much thought. I just want to go home."

"I understand that," Augustus nodded quietly.

From then on Augustus turned the subject around to more about the games than us. Jungwon and I had to fake us through being alright seeing some of the scenes from the game again. Some footage new, some we were in ourselves. Not just that, we also had to talk about it with happiness. A smile on our face and a bit jokingly.

It was enough for us to just collapse when we got off the stage. Sitting down against the nearest wall beside one another and staying silent.

"I'm going to apply for the Thirteen to Twelve program, I think," I murmured and Jungwon looked over at me, "I won the games, surely it must be enough to get me approved."

"Either that or... or they won't let you go because Thirteen needs a winner that isn't insane," Jungwon whispered and I nodded quietly as I rested my head on his shoulder, "I have nightmares..."

"Me too."

"I've barely even been able to sleep. I don't dare close my eyes during the night. Marianne tries to console me when it gets too much during the night. Says she still has them too," Jungwon muttered and I nodded quietly, "I think they'll follow us forever."

"I don't know," I whispered and ran a few fingers over my lips, "I just want to live like this never happened."

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now