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In the evening we had emptied our bags for food to divide what we had into days. We decided how much we were allowed to eat in a day and what we would eat when. Dividing it into three bags and deciding that after day three we could only hope that sponsors would send us food.

The death announcements on teh sky had appeared at a time where Jungwon had taken Sunghoon with him back to the Cornucopia to scavenge for any more food there might be.

"Nine deaths is quite a lot," Soomin remarked as she packed up the foods we hadn't eaten for dinner. Glancing up towards the sky that showed one of the women from District Three.

"Hmm..." Lin hummed quietly as the picture changed to a girl from District Five and then a boy from the same district. A dad from District Five in the same batch, if I remember correctly

"I know it was twelve on the first day in your game, but it's still a lot," Soomin pointed out when Hunter Kris from District Six flickered up on the sky.

"I know... last year it was what? One?" Lin questioned and nudged my arm while I simply stared up at Tricia Hanson from District Seven. So she was dead too.

"I think so," I hummed quietly, "I don't remember much."

The next  death were a man from District Eleven. Then it jumped straight to District Thirteen. So two from Thirteen was dead. There had only been accounted for Seven deaths before Jason's sister, Ginevra or something showed up on the sky.

"Hm... how did she die?" Lin frowned.

"Jason killed her," I replied.

"His own sister?" she questioned in disbelief and I nodded quietly.

"We all knew he was crazy, you can't be surprised," Soomin pointed out and Lin merely shrugged and leaned back on her elbows as the last death of the day appeared on the sky and almost disappeared as quickly.

"That wasn't Jason," Lin frowned and I nodded quietly in agreemet, "then..."

"Yeah," I sighed and forced a small smile onto my face as I looked over at Lin, "bad luck runs in the family," I chuckled at her.

"And you're alright?" she questioned and I quickly nodded.

"Oh yeah... my uncle never really... he was always sort of the black sheep of the family. He never fitted in and we didn't have much to do with him... I barely even remember what his name was," I assured her and she nodded quietly.

By the time Jungwon and Sunghoon had returned with a bit more food, Soomin had declared she was tired and wanted to sleep now and take a shift later in the night. Lin had agreed and so had Sunghoon automatically as well, glancing at Soomin as he piped in that he was tired as well.

"I'll be watch for the evening," I assured with a small nod as they had turned to Jungwon and I for who would stay awake for now.

"I'll sit with you," Jungwon nodded in agreement, urging the others to sleep.

Lin had gathered a small pile of sand as a pillow while both Soomin and Sunghoon had taken a backpack each to use as a pillow. All four curling up near each other to keep the warmth as much as possible during the night.

"We survived the first day," Jungwon remarked as we sat on the beach a bit behind the others, so we still could watch them sleep, but not wake them up with our talk.

"Yeah,"I hummed quietly and pulled my knees up to my chest as I watched the waves, "how many more will it be?"

"Under a week, I hope," Jungwon murmured and I nodded quietly, "are you alright?"

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now