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The cave wasn't that deep. Just enough for us to be able to sit beside each other and with a bit more space. None of us would be falling over the edge, that was just how deep it was. It would've been better if we had a few more meters, but we would make do with what we had.

With the rest, water and food I had made sure Jungwon got throughout the day he had gotten better. He seemed a tad bit more energetic and was far more chatty. He still had trouble moving around without pain, but he was acting as if he was feeling much better.

"Let's just continue using the cream," I decided, having watched him eagerly eat his fruit for dinner.

He simply nodded as I got out the newest cream we had recieved. I moved closer and simply folded up the bottom of his shirt, gently smearing a generous layer of the cream over the wound. It still felt like his skin around the wound was burning hot and looked to be bright red.

"I would do anything to eat something else but fruit," Jungwon admitted quietly as I packed away the small cream, "if I get out of here the first thing I would request is something with a bit of protein in it."

"We'll find something tomorrow," I assured him gently and looked out of the small cave.

Soon enough the national anthem played again and my attention was immediately drawn towards the night sky. I was simply too curious to see who had died during the day. I wanted to be alive for as long as possible and I had already exceeded my own expectations.

The first death was the girl from District Three. She was one of the youngest. I recalled her being twelve, but by now I wasn't even sure what of my memories were real and what I had just made up in my exhaustion.

"I saw her the day before you showed up. She already looked sick then," Jungwon quietly murmured from beside me, "I promised I wouldn't kill her... she said you had gone in the direction I was walking in... I think she might've been wrong."

"She's a kid," I quietly defended and he nodded in agreement, resting his chin on my shoulder as the picture changed.

For a second I stiffened up. I recognized the face that appeared on the night sky. Even Jungwon's chin lifted from my shoulder.

Up on the night sky Andrew appeared. He looked healthy in the picture they had of him. The text beneath his picture that declared he was from District Thirteen almost seemed haunting. As if it was screaming at me to do better and win on his behalf, floating into my face with confrontation.

"Were you close?" Jungwon whispered and I shook my head quietly.

"Not necessarily," I murmured and watched as Andrew's face daded on the sky, still staring to the point where he had been just seconds before, "but we encouraged each other to do our best... to survive. We probably liked each other more than you and Olivia do."

"You can win," Jungwon reminded and I shrugged quietly, "you can... what girls are left? District Two, Ten, Twelve?"

"Eleven too," I hummed with a small nod.

"You're five girls left now... you could do it," he reminded, "if you let other tributes wipe them out. Question just is... do they go for their own gender or do they just not care?"

"If four girls die tomorrow is the fifth rescued as one winner and the boys are left, or do they stay in the arena until one boy is left as well?" Jungwon muttered and I shrugged quietly as I finally looked away from the sky.

"How are you feeling?" I whispered and he smiled gently.

"I'm just a bit cold," he excused with a small smile.

I quickly pulled off my jacket at his confession, throwing it over him to keep him a bit warmer. Immediately he started protesting, not to much avail.

"You need it," he reminded and I shook my head quietly, looking back out of the cave at the wind rustling the leaves. The small sponsor gift falling down with a parachute.

The small sponsor gift... falling down with a parachute.

I quickly hopped out of the cave and took a few steps to grab the sponsor gift. Rushing back and hauling myself into the cave beside Jungwon. My eyes widening with excitement as I looked at Jungwon.

As it clicked open I pulled out a small roll of something soft. Unpacking the roll a solid container fell out while the roll unfolded to a large blanket like cover. 

"It's from Marianne... my mentor," Jungwon whispered and managed to pick up the container, where a a few letters had been inscribed. M. K. B. 

"It's a thermal blanket," I muttered in realization of the blanket in my hands, "you must have a load of sponsors... or a few really rich ones."

Quietly I spread the blanket over Jungwon's legs as he unscrewed the lid of his container. A wide grin spreading on his face as steam rose up.

"My prayers have been heard," he muttered in victory and extended the container towards me, "soup... soup from Twelve..."

"What's in it?" I smiled gently.

"Usually it's either squirrel or deer meat... potatoes and carrots," he smiled to himself as he looked down into the container. For a second he let it sniff in before extending the container in my direction.

"What?" I muttered and he smiled and moved the container a bit.

"You need it," he reminded with a small smile, "have you perhaps eaten today?"

"I have," I nodded with a small chuckle.

"But you've been giving me majority of food and water," he reminded, "at least just take a bit of it."

"I can't... it was bought for you," I smiled softly, "you can at least eat as much as you can before offering me anything.

"I'm full," he declared and I let out a small sigh before accepting the container from him, "it's good. I swear. Make sure to get some meat and vegetable when you taste it before you even think about handing it back."

I smiled before sniffing the steam. It was mouthwatering to smell warm food again. It hadn't even been a week in the arena yet, but it already seemed like an eternity since I last got something warm to eat. 

I took a quick sip of the soup and hummed almost immediately. It simply tasted too good. I had almost taken another sip before I forced myself to stop and just extend it back towards Jungwon.

"Take one more," he urged with a small chuckle, "I can see it on your face. You want more. Just take another sip."

I smiled quietly and let myself take another small sip of the soup before handing it back and refusing any more sips Jungwon was trying to give me. I watched closely as Jungwon decided to slurp the soup into him. I might've stared a bit too much, in the end he had let me have the rest of the soup after having slurped down half of the soup that had been in the container.

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