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The ride back was quiet.

Neither of the two said anything.. The air wasn't awkward but it just had a lot of tension. Dwhyte didn't bother to connect his phone to the aux, which was the one of the most obvious signs of his withdrawal. Instead he chewed at the inside of his cheeks, Drian found herself staring mostly outside as she refuse to gain much eye contact with her husband that seem to be in distress.

She refused to address the elephant in the room- car, rather. She admit what her mother had done was nuts, he knew she wasn't fully aboard with the Dwhyte-Adrianna. Dwhyte had being so patient but she knew it was just for a matter of time before he snap. Dwhyte was just being respectful for her sake and she tried to intervene countless of times.

He was absolutely furious. Hate to say it, but she looked into her husband's eyes he saw all the emotions that literally disappeared. She saw the man's eyes get dark and that serious tint remained. The duffel was at his feet, in seconds all his clothes that he had packed, was in the bag, she knew it was the final time the lad was going to go back.

Dwhyte was determined, he was always on the mission to get Esther to like him but it was obvious he couldn't give one fuck now.

He had work tomorrow. Drian knew for sure that he was going to bury himself in work and try his best to just be rare by the house. Deep down Dwhyte felt torn. He took a discreet breath he didn't know he was holding and surrendered himself against the car-seat. It was a solid two and a half hour drive. His wife had sped up a few times, so he knew they'll reach in a shorter time frame. He hadn't slept much as he had been staring up at the ceiling for almost the entire night so it was no surprise when he had fallen asleep. Drian watched him, his head rested against the window glass, he could only ensure that he didn't make any unexpected turn to frighten or injure him. His python tattoo glimmer under the evening sun, just a little below his bicep, she remembered how much she was obsessed with it.

All Drian wanted to do in that moment was just reach out and touch him. Physical touch was Dwhyte's love language. He could be all up in her skin, a tight arm around her waist used to hold her captive as she plastered her entire body under kisses. She would shirk and try her best to escape but it only got him more excited.

Her right hand held the steering, left hand reached out. The level of anxiety that rushed, just a few inches from him. She retracted as the other man shifted in his seat. She then focused on the road, that attempt was enough, there was something going on that was bigger than them. The miscarriage had cause a few problems between them and though he didn't seem like the one much affected, it was still present.

Her phone rang twice on cue, she looked the left. Drian muted the phone and made a mental note to respond later. With him within earshot, she just couldn't risk it.

When the duo reached home, maybe it was the sudden halt of the car that caused him to wake. Without a word, he grabbed the duffel from his feet and headed inside. The silent treatment was an absolute torture. She was good at it, but it was weird coming from him.

His slides were already in the corner and his silhouette ascended the stairs. She knew it was the sleep depravity he was going to fix, Drian questioned if she should cook knowing that the man haven't ate breakfast. The morning she watched Dwhyte sat down with the plate of food that he didn't even bother to touch. When everyone seemed concerned he would smile and pick but never eat. A niece fed the dog discreetly, the glare from his mother to the side of her lover's head. She regretted not saying anything and it pained her that even through all that, Dwhyte remained respectful.

She had to mental curse at herself for not making a stop earlier. When Dwhyte was stress, he slept. The chance of eating now was pretty low.

She wondered if it was the tiredness or just stress. Cause she was concerned. He pulled his toe, Dwhyte grunted in disapproval.


Then came the middle name basis. Dwhyte hated it. He was often teased about it during his childhood. Adrianna thought getting a reaction out of him was the measure to know just how upset he really was.

"Leave me alone."

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