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He spent some time with his nieces and nephews, they attended the funeral, and instead of heading back to the house, he went to Dwayne's. Dwhyte also met his brother's wife; Khalani who was very hospitable. The kids looked like her more but they possessed their father's personality. He spent a day, they weren't so pleased when he was leaving, as Mulan, and the first child snuck into the backseat of the car, Dwhyte had to turn back halfway. He laughed, she was so quiet, and he had to scold himself for not realizing, as she had ate an entire bag of potato chips, kids were loud eaters.

Dwhyte laughed again, a belly one, Dwayne freaked out. He seriously has to watch that girl more. The lad found himself, refreshed, everything went smoothly. Khalani gave him a small basket of southern baked goodies. It was donut, custard, chocolate and not to mention strawberry filling. As he made the turn, the sack of oranges fell to the floor of his new car. He was sure to say that the house was secure. When Dwhyte reach the start of Trafalgar, he made the round-about and drive to Vern's where he visited his god-daughter and gave her a few of the desserts. Vern was on the phone with her ex.

The subtle conversation ran in the background as he and Lorna sat on the veranda swing, her nose had strawberry filling. He also gave her some of the oranges, Vern came out with a smile on her face.

"How was it?"

She was referring to the event, her hands on her hips as he eyed her.

"What got you laughing like that?" He asked her, smiling. "Ol'boy and things?" He winked.

"Boy, bye." The two laughed, Vern pulled him into a side hug. "Sorry I didn't come. I watched in online. I got a hyperlink from someone that said he's your brother. I didn't know you could sing that well. Dwhyte, your trending right now and don't even know it."

She passed the phone to him, he scrolled though the media, and it was videos of him consecutively.


He touched his lower back. That's the anxiety, now people will be all up in his business. He passed the phone to her, with a smile, Lorna tapped his shoulder and pulled him into a hug, the child knew him so well.

"Dwhyte you look so good. I'm just so glad to see you back.

Vern said, she gazed is entire attire pleased with what she was as she knew he neglected himself for a while.

"Thank you."

"How's, you-know-who?" Dwhyte side-eyed her as he knew she was referring to Catherine. He glanced at Lorna for any signs that she was eavesdropping but she was busy eating her dessert. Her grinned and pushed her playfully, Vern screamed as she picked up on the subliminal message.

"You too?" She made a suggestive gesture with her hand, Dwhyte had to shush his best friend from doing that. Vern can be explicit when she was ready, he loved how she raised her daughter though.

"No. But if we did I wouldn't tell you." It was weird discussing this with his ex's sister.

"Dwhyte, you like her." Vern cooed, she playfully patted him like he was her little brother. Teasing and playfully, she was troubling him, he looked away cause she was right.

"Aww." She cooed again.

"Vernice, Stop the mushy stuff. I'm serious." Dwhyte got defensive, he stood up because he wasn't going to tell her anymore.

"Alright. Alright. I'll stop." He sat back down. "Wow. That's nice." Dwhyte didn't smile but instead avert his eyes. "Right?"

She became worried when he didn't respond, the angst on his face made her concern. She knew him too well.

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