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Work felt like work.

Though he allowed himself to concentrate, the thoughts of Adrianna racked his mind.

For the umpteenth time he allowed himself to brush it off and focused on the tasks he was paid to do. He reviewed the financial records of Espionosa Company Limited, while a few of his colleagues walked by ever so often. As the chief financial officer at work, Dwhyte had major responsibilities of reviewing cash books, income statements of the business's transaction to state whether or not the profits have been made over the period or just to check a with those that were recorded, summarized and analyzed. He placed the pencil in the sharpener, the sound was annoying enough to wake him up even more.

Dwhyte wasn't a big fan of coffee so he had been sipping on the one cup that has gotten cold about two hours ago. His co-worker Fiona walked by the office few times, he couldn't help but glare as she, without much surprise seemed to remind him that she was inquisitive. Even though she was nice. The other hour, he was satisfied with the progress, Dwhyte glanced at his watch and realized that it was less than an fifteen minutes from closing hours. The CFO stood up, and stretched, the tension in his back was surreal. The office desk was reorganized and the chair pushed in, he headed to the other room to sign out.

Miss Espionosa gave him a nod when he walked by. It was hard to pass and not recognize her as he was impressed by her all-white tuxedo suit. She looked elegant as her hair dangled on her shoulders, the cerulean blue pearl necklace made everything popped. He stopped by her office and on cue she disconnected the phone. His boss was quick to offer him a seat opposite to her as she got down to business.

"Darin. Is everything alright?"

"Yes ma'am. Thanks for asking." He smiled with nothing but assurance, the briefcase rested at his feet. Dwhyte thought it was mannerly to ask too. "How are you?"

She sat on the edge of her glass table, her stilettos pointed in his direction. Like it was ready to bruise his shin at her command. His eyes never left his, it was as if she knew what he was going to say all the time.

"I'm doing fine. I must say, what you've done was impressive. I've finally gotten the time last night to take serious look at it. There wasn't much of an adjustment to make, everything was on point and I just loved the creativity. It's obvious that a lot of research was made."

He smiled, she couldn't miss the subconscious scratch of the back of his head. He liked her approach and the way she explained that his input was indeed relevant. He couldn't take all the credit though.

"My partner helped me with it. I brainstormed the idea and she helped with the execution. But thanks you so much, I feel so elated to know that you like it."

He must tell Drian the good news.

She nodded and got down from the desk. Dwhyte watched her as she walked towards the glass windows. Her stare calculated as her hands rested behind her. He stance was very powerful.

"That would be all Darin."

Dwhyte grabbed his belongings with a curt nod he exited the office. He was left with his thoughts along the half empty halls and the elevator. The exhale seemed to allow his body to recover from the tension as he looked down to his feet. Dwhyte exhaled again, the thought of going home wasn't so appealing. The automatic ding, and the shutter open of the door, he exited a second time, unconsciously removed his tie.

The first three buttons undone, he allowed himself to breathe.

Within another ten minutes, he left the parking lot. The radio on monotone and the windows half cracked, he embraced the cold nightly air that seemed to brush against his face every time the car accelerated. Dwhyte made a few stops here and there. The throttle of the engine reminded him that he was back on the road, the lad pulled up in front of the house. He could smell the food cooking. It had to be either steamed fish or some type of seafood. Another one of Drian's antics. She knew he loved seafood and another one of her tricks.

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