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This chapter is dedicated to the listed person.  Thanks for being of the first few, your support has been nothing but a drive and inspiration to complete this. Much love.


The next day started rather thrilling. At first he was awoken by the slight tap on his shoulder, his heart warmed when he saw his mother with breakfast. The ecstatic glint in her eyes made him smile as he instinctively reached for the plate. She smacked his hand away, he frowned. The acted bought back a bit of nostalgia.

"Got freshen up child."

He jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom did a quick brush and washed his face. Bacon strips, waffles, scrambles eggs and what seemed like herbal tea awaited him. She still lingered on the bed, and was eating, he sat back down in a meditative style and joined her. He kissed her cheek and partaken.

"What are we going to do today?" He asked her, she them mustered a strange expression that was too suspicious.

"I've invited your brothers." He side-eyed her. He made an attempt to disapprove but she beat him to it. "I don't want to die and you not have established a relationship with them. You are kids, don't let the adults affairs get in between y'all."

"I haven't spoken to them in years. I wouldn't even know how to start."

She bit into one of the waffle, her eyes scanned him. "Because I know you're very forgiving and you don't hold grudges. You all are adults now and reached a level of maturity and point in your lives where you can think for yourselves."

He hummed and sipped from the cup, Dwhyte's mother didn't avert her eyes from him not once. It was like she knew something that he didn't. Breakfast was quiet after that, it got slight tense when she asked about Drian, again.

"How is she though?"

He stared at her, long, before answering.

"Um, she was fine yesterday. I guess. Haven't heard from her since,"

"And the divorce?"

He shrugged. It was too early for this.

"Y'all are children for real." She contradicted herself but he knew what she meant, how are you feeling right now?"

"Um, I'm well."

She mumbled. Dwhyte bit the inside of his cheek and tried to change the subject. The sweetness of the tea lingered on his tongue. He had realized that his mother has lost some weight. Her eyes was slightly sunken and she looked pale.

"Did you get rest last night?"

He reached out and checked her temperature, she was warm but it seemed normal.

"Are you sure?" She stubbornly swatted him away.

"Don't worry about me. Your mother is a fighter." He glanced at her head wrap, it was unusual for her to dress like that. Normally she would release her afro or if she felt otherwise shed make a bun. She really was a fighter. He questioned how long it is that he had seen her, but she looked so different.

She had started to show age.

"No seriously, what's happening?" He really wanted to ask but didn't want to cause panic or worst be disrespectful.

"Nothing child. I told you to stop worrying about me. I'm the parent here, not the other way around." And when she said stuff like that, it did nothing but made him, worry. His eyes casted all over the room before it finally settled on her.

"I just want to spend time with you. Who know how long I'll see you again after you head back to the city." Her eyes teared up but she blinked them away.

"You could see me every day but you refuse to leave this place Ma. I always told you that you could move in with me, or if you don't like it, we could buy a house in closer distance. You refuse all the time."

She eyed him, her eyes sad but her smile was the complete opposite. "And how much time will I tell you that this place is my everything. I raised you here, it has all my memories and I want to keep all of them. You know that your father and I worked our asses off just to live here."

"I know, Ma. I know."

"But please, do this one thing for me. I want you to get along with your other siblings. They are very nice. I really want you to meet your younger nieces and nephews."

He smiled sadly and pulled her to her feet, she laughed all he could do was pull her into a hug.

"I'll try. Just for you."

"I love you so much my baby boy."

He kissed her temple.

She felt fragile.

The sun-lit room got even brighter as the sun rose. He bought the stuff back down and got them cleaned, Dwhyte took a shower and headed to the backyard where she was. Instead of gardening, she seated on the beach chair. She propped pills in her mouth and washed it down with orange juice.

"What's that?" She jerked as he questioned the medication. He was concerned if they were prescribed or just over the counter,

"Just taking my supplements." She averted her eyes and looked far out.


The music was playing, low in the background. Her head bobbed. Dwhyte did few dance moves which made her laugh and coo. This woman always bought out his inner child and even though she was his mother, he was still that confident and comfortable around her. The gate buzzed, he stopped and glanced at her, only to see her already looking at him.

"You expecting someone?"

"Just pull the gate." Upon receiving strict orders, he didn't waste any second longer. Behind the white picket gate was his three oldest brothers. His father's sons from the first marriage. He haven't seen them in years but he can see adulthood has taken course. He couldn't deny the slight resemblance. No one greeted, his mother's voice rang throughout the tense atmosphere. She scolded Dwhyte.

"Let your brothers in child." Dwhyte stepped to the side and bowed his head slightly, that was the most he could offer. He watched as his mother hugged them, he had never seen this exchange before.

"Miss Alice!" Dwayne, was the first to speak, his eyes glimmer with excitement. "Thanks for inviting us."

Then there was Jacobi and Ryan. They were twins, Jacobi was the rough one while Ryan was on the more reserved side.

"I just want to spend some time with the boys. How's your mother?"

And there was Angela. The first wife and he was glad to see that the issue between them was resolved. This was maturity indeed.

"For today I want some baby carrots and roast. Green juice, barbecued ribs, fruit salad and moshed potatoes." She added.

Dwhyte wasn't used to his mother expressing her wants to them like this and he was inquiring just how close she was with them for her to be relaxed saying all that.

''Alright Miss Alice!"
They left for the inside of the house. Maybe for the kitchen to start the preparations.

"Mom, what's that all about?"

"Baby you promised." She said sadly. He applied sunscreen to her slender arms.

"Yes, I did. I'll try."

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