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This chapter is rated mature. Adult themes ahead. 

Dwhyte was sleeping when he felt arms roaming his chest. Cat was mumbling stuff that even in his sleeping state he found cute. She pressed her naked and not to mention cold feet against his back, he had to roll away because goose bumps took over his entire body. He became automatically cold, this was something he had gotten used to. Catherine slept like a child and she hand to touch him no matter what.

"Control your body parts, girl." He bit her ear, she mumbled and pulled him close, by then he noticed her almond looking eyes were staring at him instead of sleeping, bit at her again.

He held her around the waist tight, and challenging her to escape when she tried to escape the danger of his nips. "What if my dad finds out you treat me like this." Playfully she complained and spoke in an adorable voice.

She wiggled and waggled her broad and plushness created friction against his front. He didn't know if it was intentional. When the temperature dropped, hormones rise, depravity, and dark. The rain pitter and pattered against the window as smooth sounds erupted from the bedroom.

"Cat-" she moaned in his ear. "Tease."

Her acrylics turned his head sideways and he just went with the flow. Catherine blew a warm breath that make him shudder and when he thought she had finished-

"Do you want to know what she looks like?"

She whispered in his ear, Catherine swooned unconsciously, the offer had been placed on the table- it was his time to accept. And when he looked into her eyes, she saw the look. But she saw that he was holding himself back.

The hooded eyes, the grin, the excitement made all the blood rushed from her head and she was almost giddy.

"Go on." And on his behalf as initiated. Loving how warm his hand felt when she intertwined them and slowly reached under the duvet. Dwhyte closed his eyes when her legs parted. His finger slipped in between and interacted with her front, the occasional pulse from her core radiated from the point of contact and throughout his causing a response. Catherine moaned again when his fingers started moving on their own. He loved how she relaxed completely against him as he kissed the top of her head, her body did a shake every time he hit a certain spot. This was she first time he was touching her in this way.

Shit, he reached down and kissed her in the exact back of her neck, planting kisses and sometime lingered on her skin when he felt like she wanted it.

"Cat-"I want to see you. Can I turn on the lights?"

He asked. She could say 'no', if she wanted he really wouldn't mind. This was more than enough for her, he wouldn't be mad if she agreed. She took off his shirt. He nodded the lights came on. Her eyes went from his handsome face, to his neck, pecs, abs- that fucking v-line and before she looked further down she glanced at him but his smile was welcoming. This man had made her feel so good in just a short time span. He felt like the soul-mate she never had. The man of her dreams.

Her brown acrylic nails matched his skin tone, Cat's back arched when she leant down and kiss his stomach, chest, nipples, and abs. Fuck, she liked the way his skin flexed and relaxed under her touch, she loved the way he reacted to her. She loved how groomed he always was, how smooth, sweet, almost buttery.

Her hands slithered down and in to the sheets. She wanted to feel him, and use her imagination at the same time. Looking might spoil the fun, Dwhyte hissed. The skin down there was suave, Catherine remembered how Kennedy had razor bumps, unlike Dwhyte. She raised the sheet, thoughts of never been with a man of dark ancestry ran through her mind. Not to stereotype, but these men were gifted. Heavenly, gifted.

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