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He did his best to avoid crowded spaces or just any contact with Blake. Catherine got busy, he passed her a few times in the corridors, he couldn't miss her open but discreet attention on him, and he resisted the urge to laugh. Fae was the messenger, and feedback between them, a few other work colleagues were hot on his trail, Dwhyte had already gotten into the routine but as the fiscal year is coming to an end, things getting busy was just cannon event.

The minor reconciliation statements were done, the ratios were calculated and soon they'll depart to the event as a new branch was opening all the way in another country.

There were changes macro-economic factors that could work in their favor and Catherine saw the opportunity and ran with it. The Tech Teams were forever determined on enforcing cyber security to protect valuable data, plus social media managers are too on the alert of what going on the platforms. There was supposed to be a board meeting within the next hour and Dwhyte charged his PC. Catherine was also in the process of Corporate Social Responsibility as she had mentioned at the party.

Catherine always mentioned that she grew up poor, and her giving back to the community was the acceptance that poverty was real, she remembered where she was coming from and knew. Damn well that it is still prominent in society. She wants to change lives and offered help that she didn't get not even once growing up. There were foster homes that needs resources and facilities, homelessness, and just people living below the index. The reasons are countless. Dwhyte grabbed the computer after the hour and headed to the Conference Hall.

It was then minutes after two, Catherine- Miss Espionosa had an hour with Kennedy Cole, another higher up in society. Tech mogul, philanthropist and Venture capitalist and her ex. A man from wealthy family and polished backgrounds, it was normal to see him in the media constantly. He was old but his appearance made him seem younger. Dwhyte saw him seated at the head table, the action very disrespectful. He unconsciously gazed at Cat as he knew she felt somewhat annoyed- though she held it in. She stood by the window, her gaze out the distance as the height offered a small view of the city. She did that every time she was planning her next move, it's funny how he knew that much about her, but at the same time don't.

Kennedy seemed poised, the arrogant smirk on his face irritated him. Catherine gestured for him, he slowly made his way inside. Dwhyte saw that they had a slightly heated conversation, but their voices were muted as he was outside the glass doors.

"Uh, don't be so thinned-skin." Dwhyte averted his eyes when he got a snippet of the conversation, though his attention was still unwavering.

"Mr. Darin, Head of Accounting and the Financial department. Please meet Kennedy Cole, a complete piece of shit." Kennedy laughed, he found the insult comical. Dwhyte didn't reach for a handshake as he saw how upset he made her feel. Kennedy stood from the chair and made his way over to her and rested his hand on the small of her back. An emotion he hadn't felt in a long while hit him like a ton of bricks. She didn't physically react but it was like he could sense what she was thinking. And he knew she wasn't pleased.

"We started on the wrong foot, love."

Love? Catherine didn't even budge.

Jealousy. Rage too, if Dwhyte clenched the computer any tighter he knew it would shatter. One thing they had in common was holding composure.

Catherine had to know him on a personal level for him to be that comfortable touching her like that. He saw the way she then discreetly stepped back, trying to input much space in the close proximity.

"As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted." she eyed him, Kennedy fanned her off, disrespectfully again, it made his blood boil. "Mr. Darin will accompany me to the next meeting in the following month. Everything should be arranged and decided within three business days. Then we will decide to continue or halt operations. Kennedy, looking forward to our future interaction."

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