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"I'm going to have you arrested. How dare you put your hands on me?" She referred to him throwing her across the bed like a ragged doll.

"It's funny how much you accused me of cheating when you were the one indulging in your guilty pleasures. That must've felt good."

"So, so good. I couldn't have enough."

Dwhyte laughed. "Good to see you getting action. Out here acting like you couldn't mash ants."

"This shouldn't strange to you. I mean, your mother was a whore."

Adrianna felt her breath rigid, her eyes pulped as she stared up into her ex's face.

"I dare you to say something stupid, again." His hands wrapped around her neck, enclose and threatening. The vulnerability in her eyes bought satisfaction to him. He liked the idea of he knowing that, though this was unlike him, he could get messy too.

Her mouth moved, words stuttered, he urged her to say it. She didn't, he let her go as she turned into a choking mess. The wall echoed with a loud bang, his fist curled just barely an inch from her head as she felt her life flashed before her eyes. Dwhyte's eyes were dark and very much scary. HE always got like this when the people he loved were disrespected.

She remembered how the handled a situation in the past. After being humiliated by someone, he handled the situation so well.

And when she contained herself enough she pulled him into a deep kiss. He won dominance over her easily. He pulled protection from the drawer as she latched onto him. And that night the copulated amidst the toxicity. An intimacy without kisses. No words of love, no affirmations, no eye contact, not chemistry.

He showered afterwards and left the house. Only to see Yev sitting on the steps.

He hadn't left.

The look of sadness, and embarrassment morphed into his featured. A handsome man Dwhyte admitted. Nice healthy looking hair and skin.

"You heard all that?" It was the most obvious thing and still, he didn't mean in a mocking way. He didn't know the circumstance that lead to them meeting. But until then, he wasn't going to act on it.


"Well, Drian is not your girl. Neither is she mine. At this point, you're free to do what you want."

"Are you giving me permission?" The younger man laughed humorlessly.

"No. What I'm saying is, I don't give a fuck."

Dwhyte got in the car and left the scene. He hit up the bars and spent most of the night on the road. Dwhyte came in about after one in the morning. Smelling feminine of the women that approached him all night and he turned down and liquor. His breath reeked of alcohol, as he staggered inside. He had managed to change the sheets and plopped down. His head instantly rolled to the side on its own accord as sleep overpowered him. 

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