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Dwhyte had driven a solid half an hour before he felt like he was close to his childhood home. The anxiety rocked his being, the slight tremble of his hands on the steering, he had to pull over as he felt like he could injure himself or worst someone else. What was that? About a solid fifteen minutes of unprofessionalism could lead to something so off track. That wasn't him last night. That really wasn't him. No, he wasn't drinking neither did he indulge much.

He couldn't blame anything on the alcohol, it was just baffling. His lips were still fluttery, heart racing a mile per minute. He could feel the ghost of her lips, her feminine cologne stuck to him like a second skin.

There was no way he could entertain something as unethical as that. And shit, the kiss. Was it premeditated? Or just something that happened in the moment? Impulse? Then the familiar exhale, the weight lifted off his shoulder just like the other night, before he went under the same roof with Drian. Dwhyte was back on the road again and soon, he pulled up in front of his infantile home. With every direction he looked, he was reminded of his youthfulness, from toddler onwards. He stepped out of the car and headed up the walkway.

He pushed and entered after he secured the key in his pocket. His mother was on the couch, her hands on the wine glass as she spoke with a male friend. He didn't know him, and it was the lad first that recognized that they were no longer alone.

"G'night." He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, Dwhyte left the slice of cake from the party on the countertop.

"I'm heading up." His mother glanced at him, her eyes brightened.

He headed for the shower, nothing long but was just enough for him to relax. He couldn't risk the lingering aroma of her because it would have him up the whole night. His shoulders tensed when it was on full blast, he forgot what an old-fashioned shower head felt like. He got out and rested against the bed, fully clothed and slightly damped he went straight under the sheets.

Cool mixed with a bit of warmth, his shoulder relaxed, and the unconscious feel for his phone under the pillowcase made him questioned. He got missed calls from Drian few minutes ago. Had she just realized that he wasn't at home?



His fingers slid over her contact few times, the debate was overwhelming. Was he actually ready to call her after all that? Was he supposed to? He wasn't going to. The kiss was just something in the moment, she was elated of her success and chose to respond that way. She was a woman that didn't mixed business with personal stuff and last night was just an innocent mistake. He was still a married man.

"Call me". She said.

She said, to call her.

But he wasn't about to. He didn't want to call and send mixed signals. Was he ready to take on all of this? It's been barely a week since he had bought up divorce and he was already moving on? He was questioning if his feeling were actually true.. No, no it wasn't. He scolded himself for being a procrastinator.

And yes, at the same time. He wanted to call her. He liked the kiss for sure, and just the feeling that came with it. He heard the sound of the phone ringing, his mouth went agape when he realized that he had accidentally dialer her. He jumped from the bed, phone in his hand as he dejectedly watched the phone rang. Should he hung up? No, he couldn't hung up now. He blinked when the automatic timing was activated.

She had answered.

"Hi. You called."

As if there was no other way to start the conversation, he rested his head against the pillow. What she said resonated in his head thousandths of time.

"Um, yeah. I've reached home. What about you?" He awaited her response, the line awkward but at the same time wasn't. He just wasn't used to talking to her, at that these hours, and on a non-work related level.

"Yeah. I've been home for the last two hours."

"Nice. About last night. Umm." He simply didn't even know how to get to the point. She had gone quiet and was just waiting to hear what he had to say. Dwhyte found hard to at least try to pick his words wisely. But what came out were incoherent. "I think we should, um. Like..."

"Um yeah." She responded just as clueless as him, she didn't sense regret though. 'Um, yeah." Dwhyte agreed on the other side of the line."

She repeated again. Not sure what or what she was agreeing to.

"Yeah." Dwhyte said too. It was something mutual, despite how confusing it was they all agreed. He bit the inside of his cheek because still, he was yet to say that last night didn't end as bad as he thought.

"You should get some rest."

He could hear the concern in her voice. Though she sounded disappointed. He didn't like that at all.

"Yeah. You too. G'night Miss." He heard her a shallow gulp before the line disconnected.

He groaned when he realized that he had messed up. Dwhyte grunted into the pillow miserably. He just knew everything was going to be awkward.

When morning came he felt disoriented. He couldn't rub the sleep from his eyes. His skin had gone slightly pale but he can get it back to normal within a few hours. His shoulder sagged the moment he answered the phone, Drian was on the line and she didn't sound so pleased.

"What did you say to Yev?" Dwhyte rolled his eyes, his mother eyed him a few times but didn't say much. She wasn't able to hear the conversation but she knew her child enough to know when he was irritated. Not even 'good morning'.

"I didn't say anything to him. What's your problem?"

"He told me he spoke to you the other night. And suddenly he is acting different. Ignoring my calls." Dwhyte huffed and exited from the space, he could risk him mom hearing him talk out of order.

"I don't know. If you can't get through to him how's that's my problem."

She presumed to shouting. "What you said that has him acting this weird?" she asked again, very determined. "I don't appreciate my ex having chit-chats with my man." She grilled. "I know you said something."

"He knew we fucked. Was downstairs all a long and heard everything. So, I don't think it was what I said." He responded in a duh tome. "I'm not about to have this with you. It's too early bro. You want to entertain yourself do it through other means possible stop talking bull-crap."

Dwhyte got up and walked back to the shared room he and his mom was after hanging up the phone. He assisted with the house deep-cleaning, then they went out together. He spent most of his time with his mom shopping for grocery. The duo had long conversations, then they stopped by a Café and instantly his mind went to Catherine.

"My son smiling to himself." Alice said, she smile taunting as she winked.

"Nothing, ma." He took a drink of his milkshake, the chocolate brownie very delicious.

"Since you say so." He nodded knowing well that she didn't believe him.

"You know, your father and I used to come to this place often. Wasn't a fan of sugary treats but I got him to live a little. Took one bite and it was our spot ever since."

He loved the way she talked about him. If it was when he was always there with them.

"How's Drian?"

"Very irritable. It's like everything in this world gets on her nerves." 

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