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He placed the desserts on the counter.

Drian didn't say anything, she just watched the other man as he moved about. Dwhyte grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed straight upstairs whether or not the woman was interested to talk, he just didn't care. She knew he had been crying. Dwhyte's was sniffing slightly, eyes red but he was yet to glance in her direction.

Seven years and some months, it was safe to say: she knew that man like the back of her hand.

The red velvet was for her. She also knew that. Even through this unfortunate circumstance, Dwhyte still bought something back for her. She felt guilty, knowing that she was somewhat the cause of this but still made no advance to do anything. Dwhyte would never buy something for himself and not for her too. She watched as the lad headed upstairs, the socked feet absorbed very sound as he ascended, the familiar scent of his Lord Vivian cologne on his trail. One of the few thing she was fond of.

Was his scent.

After all that sugar intake and the removal of tears from the ducts of his eyes, he felt somewhat better. The cool water quenched his thirst, as he rested his head against the headboard. The green themed bedroom haunted him as it bought him loneliness. His phone vibrated in his pocket only to realize that it was his mother. He could only debate whether or not to answer as he wasn't ready to tell them the sad news at yet. How could he answer his mother, her soft and assuring voice would make his crack and burst out in tears and she would be at his door steps in a matter of minutes? He had cried enough.

He wanted to save his tears for another day.

He laughed, that sounded too poetic. It was like his subconscious wanted to evoke emotions, his personal self didn't know he possessed.

His vision fogged and the burning sensation in his throat got worse, he placed the phone on the night stand before he could touch accept. He laughed bitterly when he looked at his gold wedding ring. After all the fiddling and touching it had started to get very loose. No longer did it stayed firm in place, it was just a solid reminder of how out of place everything was now. It was funny how just a simple piece of jewelry can be the confirmation of it all. Thirty seven karat gold, embedded with red rubies, was no longer valuable to him. But again, he just loved the way it fitted perfectly, cherry on top, she giving him this meant the world.

The device vibrated again,

And again. He groaned and buried his face in the pillows, he hated that they still smelled like her. Like cinnamon-tamarind. He hated that his mother won't stop until he answered, and it was just for a matter of time. He sat up, and changed the sheets, three days had past. Getting divorced was bad but an entire face of pimples was too much to his plate. He changed out of his outfit, still felt the need to eat something but was too lazy. Adrianna was probably still downstairs and just couldn't risk it. He closed his eyes, eye lids blinked a few times before he finally concentrated. The sound of quietness was all over except for the clock. He unconsciously started to count; one by one, it got harder for him to keep his eyes open.

Before he knew it he was sleeping.

Adrianna had completed another gig, and was waiting for the payment to be deposited in her account. The man haven't come down. She really wanted to see him and just the confirmation that he was okay. She had made dinner and thought Dwhyte was going to partake. She questioned her mental health after going through the cooking saga. Was Dwhyte really going to sit around the table with her and dine like everything was jolly?


Was he going to sit and eat especially when she had complained about cooking responsibilities?

Hell to the Nah.

Dwhyte wouldn't even eat when he had been served and he picked up on an attitude. He was just a very picky person.

She too haven't eaten and Dwhyte was making it harder as she was used to eating together. Dwhyte loved food, it bought nothing but surprise to her as she watch the man leave kitchen after when all of his favorite was prepared. She plated and headed upstairs only to see the other man snuggled under the sheet, mouth slightly open, as he rested few inches dangerously from the edge. Drian pushed him over, the fright slowly dissipate from him after the few taps made the man awaken from his slumber.

"Come on." She took up the plate from the nightstand. "You must be hungry."

"I'm not." He sheepishly gazed at the food. He can't take the pity meal.


"You're contradicting yourself." He pointed out, but didn't even try to take the fish from the fork/

She nodded sympathetically. "I just want you to eat something."

"I can't I'm not hungry."

Dwhyte propped himself on his elbows, his abs tightened. She got a view, if he wasn't so mad she would've-

"I don't think I can see pass this."

"Baby, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean any of it." His eyes narrowed, it was the truth. She always looked to forward for their intimate times. Dwhyte was such a passionate lover. He matched her energy, he had fulfilled his roles.

"It's funny how I didn't see this coming. Not because I laughed meant I found it funny. You out of everybody should know that," Dwhyte paused, he saw the water had gotten hot, "I laughed, but inside is chaos, Call me thin-skin like your mother does I don't care. I expected you to stand up for me when I couldn't for myself. All I had to do was listen to her make demeaning and judgmental jokes that she disguise as humor. And worst for you to add and laugh too. Your entire family, a fucking open mic."

She was yet to meet his scorching gaze, Dwhyte was mad at her. No hate but the rain always make him emotional.

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"My eyes didn't say enough? Or were you laughing too much to realize?"


"It doesn't matter anymore. I was never in the picture from the beginning. I thought so. It felt so but reality didn't allow it. I just hate myself for being so much in love with you that it was a cataract. Blind as a fucking bat." Dwhyte laid back down with, this time with his back turned.

"Babe, don't say that." That was all she could say, she knew Dwhyte was spitting facts. She was always used to him comforting her. Her returning the gesture was awkward. She didn't even know what to say or do.

"It's true. I never liked to beat around the bush, so- in all honesty. We're getting a divorce so let's just keep the past in the past."

The half cold food was placed down again, something told her Dwhyte wasn't going to have it. What Dwhyte said really knocked the nail on the head. He was already in tuned with the divorce and not few hours he was crying. Like what?

"I only hope you told your mom. God, she finally got the good laugh she's always wanted. Glad I was of service."

As Adrianna sat there, all this time waited patiently, because she though the hour was up and he was there to apologize. She passive aggressively listened to his rants and thought her long awaited moment was coming. For it to be reinforced, confirmed and done. Instead of the happy ending, apologies and make up sex, he stopped and was staring. Like he was waiting for a response.

It funny because she didn't even hear a thing he said.

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