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That moment, when you find yourself just lost in your imagination; the constant thoughts that won't permit you to escape the harshness of your subconscious was the worst feeling. All you see at the end of the tunnel is pure darkness, and that one person that meant the world; suddenly vanishes then you're left with an aching chest and a heart that beat irregular.

Dwhyte didn't think he good guys were born a villain. He didn't think it was natural but due to situations and circumstances they chose not to indulge. His wife always made him seem that way, even without her even trying.

They have lost the sync, the spark, the - everything. Most importantly, Dwhyte had lost words as he could barely mutter anything.

No, why? Why this had to happen to him? Why no when it had been almost eight years and he felt like they were at a secure point of their lives?

How? How could it happen so fast? Or, how did he not see it coming.

He stood in the living room, heart raced, his mouth opened and closed, but said words just won't come. He was acting like a fish out of water, the environment felt strange even when it wasn't. He felt like a bird that was taken from his nest, warm and cocooned with grass and put into a cold environment of ice nothing but acres of snow.

Overpowered by emotions, sadness, grief, betrayal, a single tear drop rolled from the corner of his eye, and soon disappeared in the plushness of the carpet. He sat down as he felt like he was having a panic attack. It had started to show itself for months now and never had he mentioned it to someone. The last time this happened to him was at work. It was 6:59, two weeks after the miscarriage. Adrianna was still crying ever so often and he struggled having to come home to it almost every day. He felt it but she made the effects worst. He wasn't blaming her though. Catherine saw just a glimpse of it. He remembered how concerned she looked, he had to tell her that it was his asthma when it really wasn't.

He placed his head down in his shirt, the heat from inside topped with his cologne made his eyes watered but in all, he tried to catch his breath. Drian had gone upstairs and sobbing, it only made it worst for himself as he could hear her clearly. She was a loud and very much messy crier.

Drian can say stupid things sometimes but she was very sensitive and he hated that he allowed himself to be drawn out. This must've been what it was like during the pregnancy. She was emotional and he was too, as he was the one that experienced most of the physical effects and sickness. He was angry, the morning sickness, the weight gain and weird cravings that unsettled his stomach afterwards. She was fiery and he was too.

And just then he felt like he was calm enough, he went up. The fan was on and spinning as her body sunk into the sheets. She was not weeping much as before. He sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry babe." He rubbed her back. He apologized, even when he knew he wasn't wrong but just for peace sakes. Adrianna sat up, her hair blocked out her pretty brown eyes as she crawled onto his lap. She was a cat. She gave him that much of a personality.

A feline.

"I'm sorry too."

She planted a long kiss on his neck, her eyes still glistening but she blinked them away.

"I love you. So, so much." She straddle him, and bit into the soft skin of his neck, his arms immediately found her firm buttocks as he stared into her eyes. She got like this after an emotional rollercoaster.

"I want this baby, please." She begged, her voice cracked.

Her plump buttocks grinded down on his firm lap. Drian pulled his shirt over his head, his python tattoos exposed, she sucked on his bicep as her body gyrated.

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